MongoDB $millisecond

In MongoDB, the $millisecond aggregation pipeline operator returns the millisecond portion of a date as an integer between 0 and 999.

You can optionally specify a timezone to use for the result.

The $millisecond operator accepts either a date (as either a Date, a Timestamp, or an ObjectId), or a document that specifies the date and timezone to use.


Suppose we have a collection called pets with the following document:

	"_id" : ObjectId("600631c7c8eb4369cf6ad9c8"),
	"name" : "Fetch",
	"born" : ISODate("2020-12-31T23:30:15.123Z")

We can run the following code to extract the millisecond portion from the born field in that document.

          _id: 0,
          birthMilliSecond: { $millisecond: "$born" }


{ "birthMilliSecond" : 123 }

Here, I used birthMilliSecond as the field name to return, but this could have been anything (such as milliSecondsAtBirth, milliSeconds, etc).

The _id field is returned by default when using projections in MongoDB, but in this example I explicitly hid the _id field using _id: 0.

Specify a Timezone

You can specify a timezone to use for the output of the $millisecond operator.

When you do this, the argument passed to $millisecond must be of the following form:

{ date: <dateExpression>, timezone: <tzExpression> }

Where <dateExpression> is the date to use, and <tzExpression> is the timezone to use.

The timezone can be specified using either the Olson timezone identifier (e.g. "Europe/London", "GMT") or the UTC offset (e.g. "+02:30", "-1030").

Olson Timezone Identifier

Here’s an example that outputs the milliseconds in two different timezones, each using the Olson timezone IDs:

      $project: {
          _id: 0,
          kabul: { 
            $millisecond: { date: "$born", timezone: "Asia/Kabul" }
          brisbane: { 
            $millisecond: { date: "$born", timezone: "Australia/Brisbane" }


{ "kabul" : 123, "brisbane" : 123 } 

Seeing as the timezone change doesn’t affect the milliseconds portion, the result is the same.

UTC Offset

In this example we use the UTC offset.

      $project: {
          _id: 0,
          "utcOffset+04:30": { 
            $millisecond: { date: "$born", timezone: "+04:30" }
          "utcOffset+05:45": { 
            $millisecond: { date: "$born", timezone: "+05:45" }


{ "utcOffset+04:30" : 123, "utcOffset+05:45" : 123 }

Return the Milliseconds from an ObjectId

You can use $millisecond to return the milliseconds portion from an ObjectId.

ObjectId values are 12 byte hexadecimal values that consist of:

  • A 4 byte timestamp value, representing the ObjectId’s creation, measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
  • A 5 byte is a random value
  • A 3 byte incrementing counter, initialised to a random value.

To recap, our document looks like this:

	"_id" : ObjectId("600631c7c8eb4369cf6ad9c8"),
	"name" : "Fetch",
	"born" : ISODate("2020-12-31T23:30:15.123Z")

This document contains an ObjectId. We can therefore use $millisecond to return the millisecond portion from that ObjectId.

However, as mentioned, the timezone portion of the ObjectId is only measured in seconds since the Unix epoch, and therefore, it doesn’t include a milliseconds portion.


          "timeStamp": { $toDate: "$_id"},
          "millisecond": { $millisecond: "$_id" }


	"_id" : ObjectId("600631c7c8eb4369cf6ad9c8"),
	"timeStamp" : ISODate("2021-01-19T01:11:35Z"),
	"millisecond" : 0

We can see that the timestamp doesn’t include a millisecond portion, and the result is 0.

In this case, I also used the $toDate aggregation pipeline operator to return the timestamp portion of the ObjectId.