List of Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMSs)

Below is an alphabetical list of 121 relational database management systems (RDBMSs). Some of these could be classified under other categories, such as NoSQL databases, or object-relational. However, they are all relational to some degree.

RDBMS Description
1010data Cloud-based platform for big data discovery and data sharing. Used by some of the world’s largest retail, manufacturing, telecom, and financial services organisations.
4D Database and application development solution for small to medium businesses, on the desktop and client/server, Mac or Windows.
ActorDB Open source distributed relational SQL database system with no single point of failure. Horizontally scalable to hundreds of nodes and petabytes of data. ActorDB is a relational SQL database system, but it requires a different way of organising the data to traditional relational DBs.
Akiban Java, open-source DBMS. Akiban was acquired by FoundationDB in 2013. (FoundationDB was in turn, acquired by Apple in 2015).
AlaSQL AlaSQL is a JavaScript SQL Library. It’s a lightweight client-side in-memory SQL database designed to work in browser and Node.js. Works with all modern versions of browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari), Node.js, and mobile iOS and Android.
Altibase Altibase is an in-memory database (IMDB) with hybrid architecture. Consists of an in-memory portion for processing, and an on-disk portion for data storage.
Amazon Aurora MySQL-compatible DBMS offering enhanced high availability and performance. Amazon claims that it delivers up to five times the throughput of standard MySQL running on the same hardware.

Amazon Aurora is available to customers through Amazon RDS. Amazon RDS is a distributed relational database service by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Designed to simplify the setup, operation, and scaling of a relational database for use in applications.

Amazon Redshift Fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud. An Amazon Redshift data warehouse is a collection of computing resources called nodes, which are organised into a group called a cluster. Each cluster runs an Amazon Redshift engine and contains one or more databases.
Amisa Server Transactional multi-model database with integrated query language (SQL), distributed file system and a search and analytics engine.
Apache Drill Schema-free SQL Query Engine for Hadoop, NoSQL and Cloud Storage. However, Apache Drill can still take advantage of schemas when they’re available. Claims to be the only columnar query engine that supports complex data.
BigObject Uses In-Data Computing (also known as In-Place Computing) which is an abstract model in which all data is kept in an infinite and persistent memory space for both storage and computing. Data is computed in the same space it is stored. BigObject supports the relational model (i.e. tables), hierarchical model (i.e. trees) and key-value model (i.e. semi-structured data).
c-treeACE Cross-platform database engine developed by FairCom Corporation. A fully ACID advanced key-value store that supports multiple relational & non-relational APIs.

At the time of writing, c-treeACE supports the following platforms:
Windows (Desktop and Server), Linux (Red Hat, SUSE, Ubunto, Debian, etc), Oracle Solaris, IBM AIX, HP-UX, Mac OS X, QNX, FreeBSD, NetBSD, SCO OpenServer.

CitusDB Citus turns PostgresSQL into a distributed database. It enables you to transparently shard your data across multiple Postgres instances, then provides multiple executors to query across your entire dataset.
Clustrix Distributed SQL RDBMS built for high-value, high-transaction applications. ClustrixDB has extensive support for MySQL features, including complex queries involving joins on a dozen or more tables, aggregates, sorts, and subqueries. It also supports stored procedures, triggers, foreign keys, partitioned and temporary tables, and fully online schema changes.
Crate.IO Crate is an open source, highly scalable, shared-nothing (i.e. none of the nodes share memory or disk storage) distributed SQL database. Crate’s architecture is based on the NoSQL architecture, but features Standard SQL.
CUBRID CUBRID is a comprehensive open source RDBMS highly optimized for Web Applications, especially when complex web services process large amount of data and generate huge concurrent requests.

In addition to being a full-featured relational DBMS, CUBRID also supports collection types. The architectural solution adopted by CUBRID has a multi-process approach. CUBRID consists of several subsystems (Server Subsystem, Client Subsystem, and a Broker Subsystem), each of which runs in its own process.

DaggerDB DaggerDB is an ACID compliant hybrid column store / OLAP aggregate database which enables both high speed realtime inserts of data and predictable real-time high performance dimensional querying using a simple fluent .NET query api.
CA Datacom CA Datacom/DB is a RDBMS for mainframe computers. It was developed in the early 1970s by Computer Information Management Company and was subsequently owned by Insyte, Applied Data Research, Ameritech, and Computer Associates.

Datacom is now owned by CA Technologies which renamed it from Datacom/DB to CA-Datacom/DB and later to CA Datacom/DB. CA Datacom/DB is designed to be scalable to manage extremely high-volume workloads.

DataEase DataEase is considered a rapid application development tool for developing relationally-organized, data-intensive software applications for personal computers.
Dataupia The Dataupia Satori Server is an all-in-one data warehouse solution — server, storage, and optimization software packaged as a single appliance.
Datomic Datomic is a distributed database and implementation of Datalog on Clojure. While Datomic positions itself as a non-relational DBMS (largely due to the fact that it separates transactions process, storage and queries), it does use relational queries (though, with Datalog instead of SQL).
DB2 DB2 is a family of database products from IBM. There are four main products: DB2 for Linux, Unix and Windows (sometimes referred to as DB2 LUW), DB2 for z/OS, DB2 on Cloud, DB2 Connect, DB2 for i. Some of these have a number of versions.

DB2 Advanced Enterprise Server Edition provides data warehousing, transactional and analytics capabilities in one package. It also provides advanced features for storage optimization, in-memory computing, reliable system availability, and workload management tools.

dBASE The dBase system includes the core database engine, a query system, a forms engine, and a programming language that ties all of these components together. dBase was created in 1979 and was one of the first database management systems for microcomputers.
DBISAM DBISAM started off in 1998 as an embedded database engine product for Borland Delphi 1/2 as a BDE (Borland Database Engine) replacement for desktop databases. DBISAM’s initial feature set has since been dramatically expanded, and now includes a DBISAM Database Server and cross-platform usage under both Windows and Linux.
DeepSQL deepSQL is a relational, application-aware RDBMS that concurrently runs low-latency data streaming, transactions and analytics. Machine learning algorithms make intelligent decisions about how, when and where deepSQL conducts operations based on unique application workload characteristics combined with the capabilities of the hardware. Concurrent workloads accelerate to in-memory performance levels with full ACID compliance.
Derby Apache Derby (previously distributed as IBM Cloudscape) is an RDBMS developed by the Apache Software Foundation that can be embedded in Java programs and used for online transaction processing. It has a 2.6 MB disk-space footprint.
Drizzle Drizzle is an open source RDBMS that is forked from MySQL. The Drizzle team has removed non-essential code, re-factored the remaining code into a plugin-based architecture and modernized the code base moving to C++.

Drizzle is targeted at the web-infrastructure and cloud computing markets.

ElevateDB ElevateDB was created in 2007 by Elevate Software (creators of the DBISAM product) with the intention to take over where DBISAM had left off. ElevateDB is a complete SQL 2003-compliant relational database engine with Unicode support, views, triggers, stored procedures and functions, constraints, and replication.
Empress The Empress RDBMS specialises in embedded database technology – from car navigation systems to mission critical military command and control, from Internet routers to complex medical systems. Supported on a large number of operating systems, including Linux, UNIZ, Windows, Mac O/SX, Solaris, HP, and more.
EnterpriseDB (EDB Postgres Advanced Server) EnterpriseDB (EDB) develops products that are based upon PostgreSQL. EDB Postgres Advanced Server is includes all PostgreSQL features, plus additional security features, performance features, developer features, DBA features, as well as compatibility with Oracle.
EXASolution EXASolution is an in-memory, column-oriented, relational database management system from EXASOL. EXASOL claims to be the fastest analytical database, based on topping the TPC-H benchmark for both performance and price-performance on data volumes ranging from 300GB through to 100TB.
eXtremeDB eXtremeDB, from McObject, is a high performance, low-latency, and scalable ACID-compliant embedded database management system originating from an in-memory database system (IMDS) architecture but also supporting persistent databases. eXtremeDB offers SQL (including ODBC/JDBC) and non-SQL (i.e. native) programming interfaces for C, C++, C#, Java and Python.
FileMaker Pro FileMaker Pro is a cross-platform RDBMS. It integrates a database engine with a graphical user interface (GUI) and security features, allowing users to modify the database by dragging new elements into layouts, screens, or forms. FileMaker Pro is developed by Filemaker Inc., a subsidiary of Apple.
Firebird Firebird is an open source SQL relational database management system that runs on Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and a variety of Unix.

Firebird was initially forked from Borland’s open source edition of InterBase in 2000, but since Firebird 1.5 the code has been largely rewritten.

FrontBase FrontBase is an RDBMS written in ANSI C. It can run on Mac OS X, Linux, UNIX, and Windows. FrontBase was created to fill the need for a robust and scalable relational database server that was Internet enabled, had no downtime, and required zero administration.
GenieDB GenieDB provides/(provided?) a cloud MySQL Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS). However, it’s unclear whether the company is still doing business. Their website no longer exists and their social accounts have shown no activity since 2014.
Google BigQuery Google BigQuery is a fast, economical and fully managed data warehouse for large-scale data analytics. It is a RESTful (representational state transfer) web service that enables interactive analysis of massively large datasets working in conjunction with Google Storage.
Greenplum Greenplum Database is an advanced, fully featured, open source data warehouse. It provides powerful and rapid analytics on petabyte scale data volumes. It was originally based on PostgreSQL but has since added a number of data warehouse features. Greenplum bills itself as The World’s First Open Source Massively Parallel Data Warehouse.

Greenplum Database was developed by Greenplum, which was acquired by EMC Corporation in 2010. Greenplum Database is now owned by Pivotal Software.

H2 H2 is an open source SQL RDBMS written in Java. It can be embedded in Java applications or run in client-server mode. An embedded web server with a browser based console application is included, as well as command line tools to start and stop a server, backup and restore databases, and a command line shell tool.
Hadapt Hadapt is a cloud-optimized system offering an analytical platform for performing complex analytics on structured and unstructured data. The technology eliminates the need for interconnection between the traditional SQL relational database design and the Apache Hadoop data analytics technology.Hadapt was acquired by Teradata in 2014.
HAWQ HAWQ is an open source Hadoop native SQL query engine. It combines the technological advantages of MPP database with the scalability and convenience of Hadoop. HAWQ reads data from and writes data to HDFS natively.
HFSQL HFSQL is a database engine included in the WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile and WEBDEV development environments. HFSQL operates with Windows and Linux, with Mobile devices, with networks of any size and any type, and it automatically manages concurrent accesses.
Hive Apache Hive is a data warehouse infrastructure built on top of Hadoop for providing data summarisation, query, and analysis.

The Hive software facilitates reading, writing, and managing large datasets residing in distributed storage using SQL. Structure can be projected onto data already in storage. A command line tool and JDBC driver are provided to connect users to Hive.

Initially developed at Facebook, Hive is now used and developed by other companies such as Netflix and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). Amazon maintains a software fork of Hive that is included in Amazon Elastic MapReduce on Amazon Web Services.

HSQLDB HSQLDB (also known as HyperSQL or HyperSQL Database Engine) is an RDBMS written in Java, with a JDBC driver, conforming to ANSI SQL:2011. A small, fast, multithreaded engine and server with memory and disk tables, LOBs, transaction isolation, multiversion concurrency and ACID.
IBM dashDB IBM dashDB is a fully managed cloud data warehouse. It is purpose built for analytics, and it offers MPP scale and compatibility with a wide range of business intelligence tools.
Impala Apache Impala is the open source, native analytic database for Apache Hadoop. Impala is shipped by Cloudera, MapR, Oracle, and Amazon.

With Impala, you can query data, whether stored in HDFS or Apache HBase – including SELECT, JOIN, and aggregate functions – in real time. Impala uses the same metadata, SQL syntax (Hive SQL), ODBC driver, and user interface (Hue Beeswax) as Apache Hive.

InfiniDB InfiniDB is an open source, scalable database built for big data analytics, business intelligence, data warehousing and other read-intensive applications.

InfiniDB’s column-store architecture enables very quick load and query times.

InfiniDB was initially developed by InfiniDB (the company), which went out of business in 2014. In 2013, the company announced that InfiniDB was to be licensed under the General Public License v. 2. In 2016, MariaDB Corporation announced the release of its first big data analytics engine, MariaDB ColumnStore, which is based both on a fork of InfiniDB and open-source community contributions.

Infobright Infobright is a commercial provider of column-oriented relational database software with a focus in machine-generated data. Infobright’s database software is integrated with MySQL,[8] but with its own proprietary data storage and query optimization layers.
Informix IBM Informix is a product family from IBM. Informix is offered in a number of editions, including free developer editions, editions for small and mid-sized business, and editions supporting the complete feature set and designed to be used in support of the largest enterprise applications. There is also an advanced data warehouse edition.
Ingres Ingres Database is a commercially supported, open-source SQL RDBMS intended to support large commercial and government applications.
Interbase InterBase is an RDBMS currently developed and marketed by Embarcadero Technologies. It runs on the Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris operating systems as well as iOS and Android.
ITTIA ITTIA DB SQL is an RDBMS for embedded systems and intelligent mobile devices. It is a full-featured technology that scales down to meet the constrained resource requirements of embedded systems.

Products built with ITTIA DB SQL are fast and scalable, and run on modern operating systems such as Windows, Linux, INTEGRITY, QNX, ThreadX, Nucleus, μcOS-II, μcOS-III, and VxWorks – even with a custom file system and without an operating system.

JethroData SQL Acceleration Engine for business intelligence (BI) on big data. It’s compatible with BI tools like Tableau and Qlik, as well as home-grown SQL-based SaaS analytics dashboards. Jethro works with structured and unstructured data on Hadoop, Amazon S3, local storage or any other data source.
JustOneDB JustOneDB replaces the storage engine underlying the PostgreSQL RDBMS. JustOneDB refers to it as a “tunnel store” that enables high-performance analytics, in near real-time data, at the largest data volumes.
K-DB K-DB is a custom-designed and optimised RDBMS for the TS K1 platform, jointly developed by Inspur and Tmaxsoft, Korea’s largest software provider.
Kdb+ kdb+ is a high-performance column-store database with a built-in expressive query and programming language, q.

Used as a central repository to store time-series data within an enterprise, kdb+ supports real-time analysis of billions of records and fast access to terabytes of historical data. The columnar design allows for greater speed and efficiency than typical relational databases. kdb+ is developed by Kx.

Kognitio Kognitio is an in-memory analytical software platform that supports BI, OLAP and analytical applications on large and complex data.

The Kognitio Analytical Platform is a scale-out in-memory, massively parallel processing (MPP), not-only-SQL, software technology that is optimized for low-latency large volume data load and high-throughput complex analytical workloads. The platform delivers ultra-fast high-concurrency SQL for Hadoop platforms and for existing data warehouse implementations.

Linter Linter is an RDBMS compliant with the SQL:2003 standard. Linter supports a number of operating systems, including Windows, Unix, Mac OS X, OS9, QNX, VxWorks, iOS, Android and others.
LucidDB LucidDB is an open source database purpose-built to power data warehouses, OLAP servers and business intelligence systems.

It’s not clear whether LucidDB is still being developed or not. Its webpage (at Sourceforge) hasn’t had an update since 2010.

MariaDB Made by the original developers of MySQL. MariaDB intends to maintain high compatibility with MySQL, ensuring a “drop-in” replacement capability with library binary equivalency and exact matching with MySQL APIs and commands. It includes the XtraDB storage engine for replacing InnoDB, as well as a new storage engine, Aria.
MaxDB SAP MaxDB is the database management system developed and supported by SAP SE.
SAP MaxDB is available on Microsoft Windows, Linux and Unix, and for the most prominent hardware platforms.MaxDB is targeted for large SAP environments (such as mySAP Business Suite and other applications) that require enterprise-level database functionality.
MemSQL MemSQL is a high-performance, distributed, in-memory database that combines the horizontal scalability of distributed systems with the familiarity of SQL.

Using memory, MemSQL concurrently reads and writes data on a distributed system, enabling access to billions of records in seconds. MemSQL also includes a disk-based column store.

Microsoft Access Microsoft Access is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. It’s part of the Microsoft Office suite, included in the Professional and higher editions or sold separately.

Microsoft Access provides a quick and easy way to develop databases and is particularly well suited for individuals and small business. Access is the most popular desktop database on the market.

Microsoft Azure SQL Database Microsoft Azure SQL Database (formerly SQL Azure, SQL Server Data Services, SQL Services, Windows Azure SQL Database) is Microsoft’s cloud database service. Azure SQL Database is based on SQL Server technology.

Unlike similar cloud database services, SQL Database allows users to make relational queries against stored data, which can either be structured or semi-structured, or even unstructured documents.

Microsoft SQL Server SQL Server is an RDBMS developed by Microsoft. It is Microsoft’s enterprise level RDBMS offering. Microsoft offers a number of editions of SQL Server, aimed at different audiences and for workloads ranging from small single-machine applications to large Internet-facing applications.
Mimer SQL The Mimer SQL product range covers database management technologies from embedded and real-time systems to enterprise servers. Mimer products include: Mimer SQL Embedded, Mimer SQL Real-Time (for industry and automotive solutions), Mimer SQL Mobile, and Mimer SQL Enterprise.
MonetDB MonetDB is an open source column-oriented database management system developed at the Centrum Wiskunde ∓ Informatica (CWI) in the Netherlands. It was designed to provide high performance on complex queries against large databases, such as combining tables with hundreds of columns and millions of rows.

MonetDB has been applied in high-performance applications for online analytical processing (OLAP), data mining, GIS, RDF, text retrieval and sequence alignment processing.

mSQL mSQL or Mini SQL is a lightweight database management system from Hughes Technologies. mSQL is suitable for both embedded environments, and to large scale applications. The technology has been incorporated into products from companies such as HP, Cisco, Tandem, Cray, EDS, TRW, General Electric, and Real Networks.
MySQL MySQL is the world’s most popular open source DBMS. MySQL is used by some of the largest organisations in the world, including Facebook, Google, Twitter, Adobe, Flickr, Alcatel Lucent, Zappos, YouTube, and many more. It is also used by many smaller scale projects such as personal websites or blogs.

MySQL is currently owned by Oracle Corporation. It was originally owned and sponsored by MySQL AB – a Swedish, single for-profit firm. Sun Microsystems bought MySQL AB in 2008. Oracle Corporation then bought Sun Microsystems in 2010.

Netezza Netezza (now known as the PureData System for Analytics) is a technology used for business intelligence and data warehousing (OLAP) applications.

Netezza was initially developed by a company called Netezza, who were acquired by IBM in 2010. IBM rebranded Netezza to PureData System for Analytics, but still advertises it as powered by Netezza technology.

IBM claims that Netezza helps simplify and optimize performance of data services for analytic applications, and runs complex algorithms in minutes instead of hours.

NexusDB NexusDB is a relational commercial database engine for the Delphi, C++ Builder and .NET programming languages created by NexusDB Pty Ltd. It was developed as a successor to the TurboPower FlashFiler system for Delphi.
NonStop SQL HPE NonStop SQL is a database engine from Hewlett Packard. It is designed for high availability, scalability, and performance on mission-critical OLTP applications with very large databases.
NuoDB NuoDB is promoted as a database suitable for mission-critical workloads – maintaining both SQL capabilities and full ACID compliance – while simultaneously delivering global access, on-demand scalability, and cloud or container-based deployment.

NuoDB has a distributed object architecture that works in the cloud, which means that when a new server is added in order to scale-up the database, the database runs faster. The database distributes tasks amongst several processors to avoid bottlenecks of data. It also uses peer-to-peer messaging to route tasks to nodes.

OpenBase SQL OpenBase SQL is a relational database server software, originally developed for the OpenStep platform. OpenBase includes features such as fault tolerant journaling, incremental backups, encryption and automated maintenance.
OpenEdge The Openedge Database is an RDBMS that was formerly known as the Progress RDBMS. Progress promotes OpenEdge as comprehensive platform for rapidly developing, deploying and managing business applications, delivering total data management with the industry’s lowest total cost of ownership.
Oracle Oracle Database is an object-relational database management system produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation. Oracle Database is one of the world’s most popular RDBMSs. Oracle Database comes in various editions, including Express Edition, Standard One, Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition.
Oracle Rdb Oracle Rdb is a full-featured, relational database management system for mission-critical applications on OpenVMS platforms.
ParAccel The ParAccel Analytic Database is a parallel RDBMS using a shared-nothing architecture with a columnar orientation, adaptive compression, memory-centric design. ParAccel’s DBMS engine is built for analytics, initially based on PostgreSQL.

ParAccel, the company, was acquired by Actian in 2013.

Percona Server Percona Server is a fork of the MySQL relational database management system created by Percona. Percona Server is optimized for cloud computing, NoSQL access, and modern hardware such as SSD and Flash storage.
PipelineDB PipelineDB is an open-source relational database that runs SQL queries continuously on streams, incrementally storing results in tables. PipelineDB is built into the PostgreSQL core and can be used as a drop in replacement for PostgreSQL without making any application code changes. It comes pre-installed with PostGIS and supports all other extensions too.
Postgres-XL Postgres-XL is a scalable, fully ACID, open source PostgreSQL-based database cluster. The XL stands for eXtensible Lattice.

Postgres-XL has built-in MPP (Massively Parallel Processing) capability, with intelligent query planning, allowing you to use the familiar SQL language for handling queries over large data sets.

Postgres-XL allows you to either partition tables across multiple nodes, or replicate them. Partitioning (or distributing) tables allows for write scalability across multiple nodes as well as massively parallel processing (MPP) for Big Data type of workloads.

PostgreSQL PostgreSQL (often referred to as Postgres), is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) with an emphasis on extensibility and standards-compliance. It can handle workloads ranging from small single-machine applications to large Internet-facing applications.

PostgreSQL runs on all major operating systems, including Linux, UNIX (AIX, BSD, HP-UX, SGI IRIX, Mac OS X, Solaris, Tru64), and Windows. It is fully ACID compliant, has full support for foreign keys, joins, views, triggers, and stored procedures (in multiple languages).

PostgreSQL is free and open-source software, released under the terms of the PostgreSQL License, a permissive free-software license.

PrestoDB Presto is an open source distributed SQL query engine designed for running interactive analytic queries against data sources of all sizes. Through a single query, Presto allows you to access data where it lives, including in Hadoop, Apache Cassandraâ„¢, relational databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL or even proprietary data stores.

Presto was created by Facebook for the analytics needs of data-driven organisations.

PSQL Actian PSQL (previously Pervasive PSQL) is an ACID-compliant DBMS initially developed by Pervasive Software. It is optimised for embedding in applications and used in several different types of packaged software applications offered by independent software vendors (ISVs) and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).

PSQL is also optimised for software as a service (SaaS) deployment due to a file-based architecture enabling partitioning of data for multi-tenancy needs. Applications can store the data and the relationships in tables in a relational model (RDBMS) or store the data in a schema-less way with no fixed data model (key-value store).

Pervasive Software was acquired by Actian in 2013 and it is now branded as Actian PSQL.

R:BASE R:BASE (or RBASE) is an RDBMS that includes a programming-free application development wizard, automatic multi-user capabilities, a full-featured 4GL programming language, form, report and label designers, and a fully ANSI SQL compliant relational language capability.

R:BASE was the first relational database program for the PC. Created by Wayne Erickson in 1981, on November 13, 1981, Erickson and his brother, Ron Erickson, incorporated the company, MicroRim, Inc. to sell the database, MicroRIM.

Raima Database Manager Raima Database Manager (RDM) is an ACID-compliant embedded database management system designed for use in embedded systems applications. It is a linkable library of functions that becomes part of the application program. It has multiple APIs available to C, C++, C# or Java programmers.
Rainstor RainStor was a software company that provided a database designed to manage and analyze big data for large enterprises. It specialised in online big data archiving on Hadoop. It used de-duplication techniques to organize the process of storing large amounts of data for reference.

RainStor was acquired by Teradata in 2014.

Realm Realm is an open source mobile database designed to be a replacement for SQLite. Therefore, Realm does not use SQLite as it’s engine – instead it has own C++ core. Realm stores data in a universal, table-based format by a C++ core. This allows Realm to allow data access from multiple languages as well as a range of ad hoc queries.

Realm is said to be up to 10x faster than raw SQLite for normal operations.

Red Brick Red Brick Warehouse is a lean, SQL-based, standard relational database for business intelligence applications.
SAP Adaptive Server SAP ASE (Adaptive Server Enterprise), originally known as Sybase SQL Server, and also commonly known as Sybase DB or ASE, is an RDBMS product for businesses developed by Sybase Corporation, which became part of SAP AG.

ASE is predominantly used on the Unix platform, but is also available for Microsoft Windows.

SAP Advantage Database Server SAP Advantage Database Server is an RDBMS for small to medium-sized businesses. It is developed by SAP SE (formerly Sybase iAnywhere, formerly Extended Systems).
SAP HANA SAP HANA is an in-memory, column-oriented, relational database management system developed and marketed by SAP SE. SAP HANA was previously called “SAP High-Performance Analytic Appliance”.
SAP IQ SAP IQ (also known as SAP Sybase IQ and Sybase IQ) is a column-based, petabyte scale, relational database software system used for business intelligence, data warehousing, and data marts.

Produced by Sybase Inc., now an SAP company, its primary function is to analyze large amounts of data in a low-cost, highly available environment. SAP IQ is often credited with pioneering the commercialisation of column-store technology.

SAP SQL Anywhere SAP SQL Anywhere is an RDBMS product from SAP, designed for custom mobile and IoT applications.

SAP claims that the SQL Anywhere solutions can provide secure, reliable data management and synchronization for thousands of mobile devices, Internet of Things (IoT) systems, and remote environments. SQL Anywhere was known as Sybase SQL Anywhere prior to the acquisition of Sybase by SAP.

ScaleBase ScaleBase is a distributed MySQL database optimised for the cloud. ScaleBase instantly scales out a single MySQL database into multiple instances.

Scalebase, the company, was founded in 2009. On August 18, 2015, ScaleArc announced the acquisition of Scalebase assets to augment its database load balancing solutions.

ScaleDB ScaleDB is a modern database cluster optimized for high volume, high velocity structured data. ScaleDB uses the MySQL interface, so it is compatible with the MySQL tools and applications. This also means that it can be supported by developers and administrators familiar with MySQL.

ScaleDB incorporates specific optimisations for time-series data that deliver an additional order-of-magnitude improvement on time-based queries and analytics.

ScaleDB uses the MySQL storage engine API (like InnoDB), then implements a two-tier clustered architecture. It scales-out in a linear fashion by simply adding nodes to the cluster, offering massive write and query performance in a highly fault-tolerant, cost-effective implementation.

ScimoreDB ScimoreDB is a proprietary freeware RDBMS for Microsoft Windows, developed by Scimore UAB. It features SQL, ACID transactions, Multiversion concurrency control, free text search, shared nothing clustering, functional procedural shipment for distribution of data and queries. It works as embedded library, standalone server and distributed over many machines.
SmallSQL The SmallSQL Database is a free, open source, pure Java RDBMS for desktop applications.
solidDB solidDB is an in-memory database optimised for high speed and availability. solidDB is currently developed and sold by UNICOM Global. Solid, the company, was initially acquired by IBM in 2007, and then subsequently sold to UNICOM Global in 2014.
Spark SQL Spark SQL is Apache Spark’s module for working with structured data. It lets you query structured data inside Spark programs, using either SQL or a familiar DataFrame API. Usable in Java, Scala, Python and R.
Splice Machine Splice Machine is an RDBMS that combines the traditional RDBMS with a hybrid in-memory and scale-out infrastructure. Splice Machine is built on Apache Derby, HBase/Hadoop, and Spark to create a hybrid in-memory database designed to handle mixed OLTP and OLAP workloads.
SQL.JS sql.js is a port of SQLite to JavaScript, by compiling the SQLite C code with Emscripten.
SQLBase SQLBase is an embedded low maintenance database solution for Windows and Linux environments in 32-bit or 64-bit architecture.
SQLite SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. The source code for SQLite is in the public domain.

SQLite is likely the most widely deployed database engine in the world. According to the SQLite website, it is deployed in:

  • Every Android device
  • Every iPhone and iOS device
  • Every Mac
  • Every Windows10 machine
  • Every Firefox, Chrome, and Safari web browser
  • Every instance of Skype
  • Every instance of iTunes
  • Every Dropbox client
  • Every TurboTax and QuickBooks
  • PHP and Python
  • Most television sets and set-top cable boxes
  • Most automotive multimedia systems
  • Countless millions of other applications
Tajo Apache Tajo is a robust big data relational and distributed data warehouse system for Apache Hadoop. Tajo is designed for low-latency and scalable ad-hoc queries, online aggregation, and ETL (extract-transform-load process) on large-data sets stored on HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) and other data sources.
Teradata Teradata is a massively parallel processing system running a shared-nothing architecture. Its technology consists of hardware, software, database, and consulting. The system moves data to a data warehouse where it can be recalled and analysed.
Teradata Aster The Aster Platform is Teradata’s analytic solution aimed towards anyone from business analysts to data scientists.

The Aster Platform was initially developed by Aster Data, who was acquired by Teradata (Teradata had previously purchased an 11 percent stake in the Aster Data in 2010) in 2011.

Tibero A secure, fully SQL compatible RDBMS by software company TmaxSoft. Tibero is considered an alternative to Oracle Databases due to its complete compatibility with Oracle products, including SQL.
TimesTen TimesTen is an in-memory, relational database management system with persistence and recoverability.

TimesTen runs on most major Unix/Linux platforms and on various Windows platforms, in both 32-bit and 64-bit modes.

TimesTen was first developed by Hewlett-Packard, and is now owned by Oracle.

TokuDB TokuDB is an open source, high-performance storage engine for MySQL and MariaDB. It achieves this by using a Fractal tree index. It is scalable, ACID and MVCC compliant, provides indexing-based query improvements, offers online schema modifications, and reduces slave lag for both hard disk drives and flash memory. T

okuDB is included in Percona Server and MariaDB.

Trafodion Apache Trafodion (pronounced “Tra-vod-eee-on”) is a webscale SQL-on-Hadoop solution enabling transactional or operational workloads on Apache Hadoop.

Trafodion builds on the scalability, elasticity, and flexibility of Hadoop. It extends Hadoop to provide guaranteed transactional integrity, enabling new kinds of big data applications to run on Hadoop.

Transbase Transbase is a relational database management system, developed and maintained by Transaction Software GmbH, Munich. It is designed as a client-server system for the operation via a network. For applications with embedded databases Transbase provides variants which combine client and server locally without TCP/IP communication.
TransLattice TransLattice is/(was?) a company that specialises in distributed databases and application platforms for enterprise and cloud IT systems. The TransLattice website now appears to be up for sale and its social accounts haven’t been updated since 2014.
Valentina Server Valentina includes the Enterprise Reports Server, the Valentina Database Server, and the Valentina SQLite Database Server. Valentina claims that their Valentina Server product is the blazingly fast, most advanced object-relational database and reports server available on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
Vector Previously known as Vectorwise, Vector is an SQL RDBMS developed by Actian. In 2011, it published record breaking results on the Transaction Processing Performance Council’s TPC-H benchmark for database sizes of 100 GB, 300 GB, and 1 TB on non-clustered hardware.
Vertica Vertica is a cluster-based, column-oriented system, designed to manage large, fast-growing volumes of data and provide very fast query performance when used for data warehouses and other query-intensive applications.

The Hewlett Packard website claims that HPE Vertica provides blazing-fast speed (queries run 50-1,000x faster), petabyte-scale (store 10-30x more data per server), and openness and simplicity (use any BI/ETL tools, Hadoop, etc.) – all at 30% of the cost of traditional data warehouse solutions.

Virtuoso Virtuoso Universal Server is a middleware and database engine hybrid that combines the functionality of a traditional RDBMS, ORDBMS, virtual database, RDF, XML, free-text, web application server and file server functionality in a single system.

The open source edition of Virtuoso Universal Server is also known as OpenLink Virtuoso.

VistaDB VistaDB is an RDBMS from Gibraltar, who specialise in .NET software. Gibraltar positions VistaDB as The No Hassle Embedded Database for .NET.

VistaDB consists of a redistributable database engine, Visual Studio integration, tools for data management, documentation, sample code and our fanatical technical support. In addition, VistaDB works with various ORMs and other third party tools.

Use VistaDB for the “lite” version of your application in which size and easy of deployment are paramount. And when greater scalability is required, upscale to SQL Server with no code changes.

Gibraltar also claims that VistaDB works with Anything built on ADO.NET

VoltDB VoltDB offers the speed and scale of NoSQL databases but with the ACID guarantees, relational data models, and transactional capability of traditional RDBMSs. VoltDB has a massively parallel database architecture that scales transactions and analytics linearly across nodes while maintaining data consistency and high availability.
WebScaleSQL WebScaleSQL is a joint effort of engineers from Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Alibaba in order to seek greater performance from a database technology tailored for their needs (i.e. large-scale environments, which involve large amounts of data and numerous database servers).

The WebScaleSQL RDBMS is an open-source system created as a software branch of the production-ready Community release of MySQL.

The source code of WebScaleSQL is hosted on GitHub and licensed under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License.

XtremeData High performance, full-featured ANSI SQL database engine designed for performance at all scales, up to 100s of terabytes. ANSI SQL. Includes massively parallel database engine purpose-built for large data analysis. Vector-oriented execution with dynamic data exchange at run-time. Natively peer-to-peer parallel-processing, with automatic in-built load balancing among nodes.