List of Graph Database Management Systems

Graph databases use a graphical model to store and represent data, which makes them highly suitable for storing connected data.

Below is an alphabetical list of graph database management systems.

Name Description
AllegroGraph AllegroGraph is an RDF and graph database. It is 100 percent ACID, supporting Transactions: Commit, Rollback, and Checkpointing. Supports SPARQL, RDFS++, and Prolog reasoning from numerous client applications.
AnzoGraph AnzoGraph (previously SPARQLVerse from SPARQL City), is an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) database engine. Highly parallelized and horizontally scalable. Supports W3C standards (RDF & SPARQL) and Labelled Property Graphs (LPG). Semantic context with labelled properties to execute rich analytics graph algorithms and BI-style analytics.
ArangoDB ArangoDB is a distributed free and open-source database with a flexible data model for documents, graphs, and key-values. Highly scalable. Supports ACID and full transaction support. Includes a built-in graph explorer.
Bitsy Bitsy is a small, fast, embeddable, durable in-memory graph database that implements the Blueprints API. ACID guarantees on transactions. Designed for multi-threaded OLTP applications.
Blazegraph Blazegraphâ„¢ is a ultra high-performance graph database supporting Apache TinkerPopâ„¢ and RDF/SPARQL APIs. It supports up to 50 Billion edges on a single machine and has a High Availability and Scale-out architecture. It is in production use for Fortune 500 customers such as EMC, Autodesk, and many others.

Blazegraph GPU uses acceleration for both graph query and very large scale graph analytics. Billions of edges in milliseconds.

BrightstarDB BrightstarDB is an open source native RDF database for the .NET platform.

BrightstarDB runs on Windows, Linux, MacOSX, Windows Phone, Android and iOS, with a single consistent data file format across all platforms. The core libraries have a small footprint and install with zero configuration for embedded applications.

Cayley An open-source graph database inspired by the graph database behind Freebase and Google’s Knowledge Graph.
Filament Filament is a project for storing and exploiting graph data structures. The core (and existing) element is a graph storage library with default support for SQL through JDBC. The actual storage implementation is pluggable.

Filament includes a fluent traversal model that makes it easy to navigate the stored graph in large chunks.

Graph Engine Graph Engine is a distributed, in-memory, large graph processing engine. It supports both low-latency online query processing and high-throughput offline analytics on billion-node large graphs.
GraphBase A customisable, distributed, small-footprint graph store with a rich tool set from FactNexus.
graphd The proprietary back-end of Freebase. It is a in-house graph database or tuple store which is written in C and runs on Unix-like machines. It processes graph query language (GQL) queries (translated from the MQL queries submitted through the Freebase API).
Grapholytic A distributed GraphDB from MIOsoft. Grapholytic is a combination of an object database and a graph database.

The scaling of Grapholytics is tested for more than 100 billion database objects with a data volume of more than 5 PB. Grapholytic supports Neo4Js query language “Cypher”.

Horton A graph database from Microsoft Research Extreme Computing Group (XCG) based on the cloud programming infrastructure Orleans.
HyperGraphDB HyperGraphDB is a general purpose, open-source data storage mechanism based on a powerful knowledge management formalism known as directed hypergraphs.

While a persistent memory model designed mostly for knowledge management, AI and semantic web projects, it can also be used as an embedded object-oriented database for Java projects of all sizes. Or a graph database. Or a (non-SQL) relational database.

IBM System G Native Store IBM System G Native Store provides an efficient graph data store solution that can handle various graphs, property graphs, and RDF-like graphs, in terms of storage, analytics, and visualisation. It includes both Scale Up (which fully utilises memory and storage of single machine) and Scale Out (which distributes to many machines) features.

Native Store is accessible from most programming languages by providing APIs in C++, Java (Tinkerpop/Blueprints), and Python. Its gShell graph command collection and the Native Store REST APIs provide language-free interfaces.

InfiniteGraph A distributed and cloud-enabled commercial GDBMS from Objectivity.

Objectivity has announced that they will merge InfiniteGraph’s functionality is being migrated into their other product, ThingSpan.

InfoGrid InfoGrid is an open source graph database with a web front end, and configurable storage engines (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Files, Hadoop).
jCoreDB Graph According to its website, jCoreDB is currently under development. jCoreDB aims to provide a highly extensible database core which is entirely written in Java.
k-infinity A semantic graph database which is characterised by its graphical user interface and requires no knowledge of any query language. API is open and based on REST and JSON. Thus it can be easily embedded in existing architectures.
MarkLogic MarkLogic is an enterprise level, multi-model NoSQL database. It is optimised for structured and unstructured data—allowing you to store, manage, query and search across JSON, XML, RDF, geospatial data, text, and large binaries.

It also has a built-in search engine and a full-list of enterprise features such as ACID transactions, high availability and disaster recovery, certified security, scalability and elasticity.

Neo4j A highly scalable open source graph database that supports ACID, has high-availability clustering for enterprise deployments, and comes with a web-based administration tool that includes full transaction support and visual node-link graph explorer.

Neo4j is accessible from most programming languages using its built-in REST web API interface, as well as a proprietary Bolt protocol with official drivers.

OhmDB OhmDB is presented as a hybrid RDBMS and NoSQL database for Java. It is open source through GitHub. ACID transactions with automatic recovery. Fast joins through graph-based relations with graph traversal optimisation. Automatic schema migration.
Ontotext GraphDB A graph database engine, based fully on Semantic Web standards from W3C: RDF, RDFS, OWL, SPARQL.

  • GraphDB Free is a database engine for small projects. Its only limitation is that it can handle no more than two queries in parallel.
  • GraphDB Standard is a robust standalone database engine, able to manage tens of billions of semantic triples on one commodity server. RDF statements can be loaded and queried at scale simultaneously.
  • GraphDB Enterprise is a clustered version which offers horizontal scalability and failover support and other enterprise features.

There is also a Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) option and a cloud option.

OpenCog AtomSpace OpenCog is a project with the aim to create an open source framework for Artificial General Intelligence.

OpenCog AtomSpace is a knowledge representation (KR) database and the associated query/reasoning engine to fetch and manipulate that data, and perform reasoning on it. Data is represented in the form of graphs, and more generally, as hypergraphs

OpenLinkVirtuoso Virtuoso is a scalable cross-platform server that combines relational, graph, and document data management with web application server and web services.
OQGRAPH A graph computing engine for MySQL, MariaDB and Drizzle.

The Open Query GRAPH computation engine, or OQGRAPH as the engine itself is called, allows you to handle hierarchies (tree structures) and complex graphs (nodes having many connections in several directions).

Oracle NoSQL Database RDF Graph for Oracle NoSQL Database is a feature of Enterprise Edition providing W3C RDF graph capabilities in NoSQL Database.

Simple data model using key-value pairs with secondary indexes. Includes ACID transactions, tabular data models, and JSON support. Integrated with Oracle Database, Oracle Wallet, and Hadoop.

Oracle Spatial and Graph This is the Oracle Spatial and Graph option for Oracle Database 12c. Includes advanced features for spatial data and analysis; physical, network, and social graph applications; and a foundation to help location-enable business applications.

Oracle Spatial and Graph supports a full range of geospatial data and analytics for land management and GIS, mobile location services, sales territory management, transportation, LiDAR analysis and location-enabled Business Intelligence.

The graph features include RDF graphs for applications ranging from semantic data integration to social network analysis to linked open data and network graphs used in transportation, utilities, energy and telcos and drive-time analysis for sales and marketing applications.

OrientDB OrientDB is an open source 2nd generation distributed graph database with the flexibility of documents in one product (i.e., it is both a graph database and a document NoSQL database at the same time). OrientDB supports schema-less, schema-full and schema-mixed modes and includes SQL among its query languages along with a custom SQL based language.

There is a Community Edition which is free for any use (Apache 2 license).

There is also an Enterprise Edition which includes additional features such as Query Profiler, Distributed Clustering configuration, Metrics recording, and Live Monitor with configurable Alerts.

Orly Orly (pronounced “Oh Really”) is a highly scalable open source, graph database; accessible from most programming languages via its built-in REST web API interface.

Orly has its own high-level, compiled, type-safe, functional language called Orlyscript.

Profium Sense Profium Sense is a NoSQL in-memory graph database and a Patented Rule Engine optimized for real-time operations.

Profium Sense constantly monitors and gathers data from heterogeneous sources such as news feeds, CRM, IoT, Open and Big Data. The data then becomes interlinked with the help of semantic technologies and robust Artificial Intelligence algorithms. This approach gives real-time access to the data and allows users to make smarter decisions and create new information.

Semblent Lionsgate A scalable, generic distributed database framework coupled with graph search able to efficiently maintain synchronisation persistently between server side and client side databases via a self-building API.
SPARQLVerse This product is now called AnzoGraph. See AnzoGraph.

SPARQLVerse from SPARQLCity, is an in memory MPP analytic #graphdb using #SPARQL with analytic extensions including Windowed Aggregate functions.

Sparksee Sparksee (formerly known as DEX) is a high-performance and scalable graph DBMS. Its main characteristics is its query performance for the retrieval & exploration of large networks.

Sparksee offers bindings for Java, C++, C#, Python and Objective-C. Sparksee 5 mobile was the first graph database for mobile devices. Supported platforms: Linux, Windows, MacOSX, iOS, and Android.

Sqrrl Enterprise Sqrrl Enterprise is a distributed, real-time graph database featuring cell-level security and mass-scalability. Sqrrl Enterprise unifies several Big Data technologies into a single platform, including Hadoop, linked data analysis, machine learning, Data-Centric Security, and advanced visualization.

Sqrrl is a security analytics company. Sqrrl’s platform is designed to enable security analysts to discover threats faster.

Stardog Fast, scalable, pure Java semantic graph database. ACID, Integrity Constraints, RBAC security. Supports OWL 2 and user-defined rules.
Teradata Aster SQL-GRâ„¢ Native graph processing engine that makes it easy to perform powerful graph analysis with speed across big data sets.
ThingSpan ThingSpan is a purpose-built, massively scalable graph analytics platform that leverages the open source stack by natively integrating with Apache Spark and the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).

It provides ultra-fast navigation and pathfinding queries against huge distributed graphs. ThingSpan also supports parallel pattern-finding and predictive analytics in combination with Spark components, such as MLlib, GraphX, and Spark SQL.

Titan Titan is a scalable graph database optimized for storing and querying graphs containing hundreds of billions of vertices and edges distributed across a multi-machine cluster.

Titan is a transactional database that can support thousands of concurrent users executing complex graph traversals in real time.

Support for ACID and eventual consistency.

TripleBit TripleBit is a fast and compact system for large scale RDF graph.
VelocityGraph VelocityGraph is an open source C# .NET hybrid NoSQL graph database and object database that can be embedded/distributed.
Includes a GUI database manager.
VertexDB VertexDB is a high performance graph database server with AJAX API and support for queries and queues. It supports automatic garbage collection, built on libevent and tokyocabinet. It uses HTTP as it’s communication protocol and JSON as it’s response data format.
VivaceGraph VivaceGraph is an Open source Common Lisp graph database & Prolog implementation.
Weaver Weaver is a distributed graph store that provides horizontal scalability, high-performance, and strong consistency. It enables users to execute transactional graph updates and queries through a simple python API.
WhiteDB WhiteDB is a lightweight NoSQL database library written in C, operating fully in main memory.

There is no server process. Data is read and written directly from/to shared memory, no sockets are used between WhiteDB and the application program.