List All Identity Columns in a SQL Server Database: sys.identity_columns

You can use T-SQL to return a list of identity columns in a database in SQL Server.

You can do this using the sys.identity_columns system catalog view.

Example 1 – Basic Usage

Here’s an example to demonstrate.

USE Test;
  OBJECT_NAME(object_id) AS [object],
FROM sys.identity_columns;


| object                    | name             | seed_value   | increment_value   | last_value   | is_not_for_replication   |
| ConstraintTest            | ConstraintTestId | 1            | 1                 | 17           | 0                        |
| sqlagent_job_history      | instance_id      | 1            | 1                 | NULL         | 0                        |
| sqlagent_jobsteps_logs    | log_id           | 1            | 1                 | NULL         | 0                        |
| Cats                      | id               | 1            | 1                 | 2            | 0                        |
| Dogs                      | id               | 1            | 1                 | 1            | 0                        |
| t1                        | id               | 1            | 1                 | 2            | 0                        |
| t2                        | id               | 150          | 10                | 160          | 0                        |
| scope_identity_test       | id               | 1            | 1                 | 3            | 0                        |
| Event                     | EventId          | 1            | 1                 | NULL         | 0                        |
| Scoreboard                | ScoreId          | 1            | 1                 | 8            | 0                        |
| Pets                      | PetId            | 1            | 1                 | 5            | 0                        |
| BestFriends               | pet_id           | 101          | 10                | 121          | 0                        |
| Cities                    | CityId           | 150          | 10                | 180          | 0                        |
| Colors                    | ColorId          | 1            | 1                 | 6            | 0                        |
| queue_messages_1977058079 | queuing_order    | 0            | 1                 | NULL         | 0                        |
| t6                        | id               | 1            | 1                 | 1            | 0                        |
| t7                        | id               | 100          | 1                 | 100          | 0                        |
| queue_messages_2009058193 | queuing_order    | 0            | 1                 | NULL         | 0                        |
| queue_messages_2041058307 | queuing_order    | 0            | 1                 | NULL         | 0                        |

I used my Test database for this example. I chose this one because I’ve previously created identity columns with various seed increment values.

In this example I used the OBJECT_NAME() function to get the object’s name from the object_id column. In this case it’s the table name. So in other words, the first column lists the table name, and the second column lists the identity column.

Example 2 – List All Columns

In the previous example I only returned a handful of columns. This is because sys.identity_columns returns a lot of columns.

In this example I return only one identity column (i.e. one row), but I return all columns for that row. I use vertical output when displaying the results so that you aren’t forced to scroll sideways.

FROM sys.identity_columns
WHERE OBJECT_NAME(object_id) = 'Cities';

Result (using vertical output):

object_id                           | 1970106059
name                                | CityId
column_id                           | 1
system_type_id                      | 56
user_type_id                        | 56
max_length                          | 4
precision                           | 10
scale                               | 0
collation_name                      | NULL
is_nullable                         | 0
is_ansi_padded                      | 0
is_rowguidcol                       | 0
is_identity                         | 1
is_filestream                       | 0
is_replicated                       | 0
is_non_sql_subscribed               | 0
is_merge_published                  | 0
is_dts_replicated                   | 0
is_xml_document                     | 0
xml_collection_id                   | 0
default_object_id                   | 0
rule_object_id                      | 0
seed_value                          | 150
increment_value                     | 10
last_value                          | 180
is_not_for_replication              | 0
is_computed                         | 0
is_sparse                           | 0
is_column_set                       | 0
generated_always_type               | 0
generated_always_type_desc          | NOT_APPLICABLE
encryption_type                     | NULL
encryption_type_desc                | NULL
encryption_algorithm_name           | NULL
column_encryption_key_id            | NULL
column_encryption_key_database_name | NULL
is_hidden                           | 0
is_masked                           | 0
graph_type                          | NULL
graph_type_desc                     | NULL

Most of these columns are inherited from sys.columns, but some are unique to sys.identity columns. For a detailed description of these columns, see the Microsoft documentation for sys.columns and sys.identity columns.

Including Tables & Schemas

You may have noticed that these examples don’t include the schema in the result set. See Including Tables & Schemas when Listing the Identity Columns if you need to return the schema. That article also includes an example of removing internal tables from the results.