How to View your Current SET Options in SQL Server

SQL Server provides various SET options that control the behavior of our session. These options can impact query execution and results. Also, some features in SQL Server rely on certain SET options to be configured in a certain way (for example indexed views).

Getting the current SET options configuration is not as straightforward as one might think. We need to do a bit of trickery.

Let’s look at how to view our current SET options.

The Raw Data

SQL Server provides us with the @@OPTIONS function that returns information about the current SET options:




Believe it or not, those four digits contain all my SET options and the values they’re currently set to.

The @@OPTIONS function returns an integer. This is a bitmap of the options, converted to a base 10 (decimal) integer. The bit settings are stored in the locations described in the table later in this article.

Anyway, in order to get any meaningful results from this, we need to do some more work.

Return All Options

Here’s a query that returns all SET options and indicates whether each one is ON or OFF:


WITH SetOptions AS (
    SELECT 1 AS BitPosition, 'DISABLE_DEF_CNST_CHK' AS OptionName, 'Controls interim constraint checking' AS Description
    UNION ALL SELECT 2, 'IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS', 'Controls whether transactions are implicit or explicit'
    UNION ALL SELECT 4, 'CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT', 'Controls cursor behavior for transactions'
    UNION ALL SELECT 8, 'ANSI_WARNINGS', 'Controls truncation and NULL in aggregate warnings'
    UNION ALL SELECT 16, 'ANSI_PADDING', 'Controls padding of fixed-length variables'
    UNION ALL SELECT 32, 'ANSI_NULLS', 'Controls NULL handling comparison'
    UNION ALL SELECT 64, 'ARITHABORT', 'Terminates queries when overflow or divide-by-zero occurs'
    UNION ALL SELECT 128, 'ARITHIGNORE', 'Returns NULL when overflow or divide-by-zero occurs'
    UNION ALL SELECT 256, 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER', 'Controls interpretation of double quotes'
    UNION ALL SELECT 512, 'NOCOUNT', 'Suppresses row count messages'
    UNION ALL SELECT 1024, 'ANSI_NULL_DFLT_ON', 'Controls default NULL behavior for new columns'
    UNION ALL SELECT 4096, 'CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL', 'Controls whether concatenation with NULL yields NULL'
    UNION ALL SELECT 8192, 'NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT', 'Controls error reporting for loss of precision'
    UNION ALL SELECT 16384, 'XACT_ABORT', 'Rolls back transactions if a Transact-SQL statement raises an error'
    OptionName AS [SET Option],
    CASE WHEN (@options & BitPosition) = BitPosition THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF' END AS Status,
FROM SetOptions
ORDER BY BitPosition;


SET Option               Status  Description                                                        
----------------------- ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------
DISABLE_DEF_CNST_CHK OFF Controls interim constraint checking
IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS OFF Controls whether transactions are implicit or explicit
CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT OFF Controls cursor behavior for transactions
ANSI_WARNINGS ON Controls truncation and NULL in aggregate warnings
ANSI_PADDING ON Controls padding of fixed-length variables
ANSI_NULLS ON Controls NULL handling comparison
ARITHABORT OFF Terminates queries when overflow or divide-by-zero occurs
ARITHIGNORE OFF Returns NULL when overflow or divide-by-zero occurs
QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON Controls interpretation of double quotes
NOCOUNT OFF Suppresses row count messages
ANSI_NULL_DFLT_ON ON Controls default NULL behavior for new columns
CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ON Controls whether concatenation with NULL yields NULL
NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFF Controls error reporting for loss of precision
XACT_ABORT OFF Rolls back transactions if a Transact-SQL statement raises an error

That’s how my system is configured, yours may be different.

This query does the following:

  1. It declares a variable @options and assigns it the value of @@OPTIONS.
  2. It uses a Common Table Expression (CTE) named SetOptions to define all the possible SET options, their corresponding bit positions, and descriptions.
  3. The main SELECT statement then:
    • Lists each option name
    • Uses a bitwise AND operation to check if each option is set (ON) or not (OFF)
    • Includes the description for each option
  4. The results are ordered by the bit position for consistency.

Understanding @@OPTIONS

The @@OPTIONS function returns an integer value that represents the current SET options. Each bit in this integer corresponds to a specific SET option. To understand which options are enabled, we need to convert this integer to its binary representation.

For example, if @@OPTIONS returns 5496, the binary representation would be:

0001 0101 0110 1000

Each 1 in this binary string indicates that the corresponding option is ON, while each 0 indicates that the option is OFF.

To interpret this binary value, we need to know which bit corresponds to which option. Here’s a table that lists all options, their corresponding bit value, and descriptions:

1DISABLE_DEF_CNST_CHKControls interim constraint checking
2IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONSControls whether transactions are implicit or explicit
4CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMITControls cursor behavior for transactions
8ANSI_WARNINGSControls truncation and NULL in aggregate warnings
16ANSI_PADDINGControls padding of fixed-length variables
32ANSI_NULLSControls NULL handling comparison
64ARITHABORTTerminates queries when overflow or divide-by-zero occurs
128ARITHIGNOREReturns NULL when overflow or divide-by-zero occurs
256QUOTED_IDENTIFIERControls interpretation of double quotes
512NOCOUNTSuppresses row count messages
1024ANSI_NULL_DFLT_ONControls default NULL behavior for new columns
4096CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULLControls whether concatenation with NULL yields NULL
8192NUMERIC_ROUNDABORTControls error reporting for loss of precision
16384XACT_ABORTRolls back transactions if a Transact-SQL statement raises an error

To determine which options are enabled, we can perform a bitwise AND operation between the @@OPTIONS value and the bit value for each option. If the result is non-zero, that option is enabled.

For example, using the default value of 5496:

  • 5496 & 2 = 0 (zero), so IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS is OFF
  • 5496 & 4 = 0 (zero), so CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT is OFF
  • 5496 & 16 = 16 (non-zero), so ANSI_PADDING is ON
  • 5496 & 32 = 32 (non-zero), so ANSI_NULLS is ON
  • 5496 & 256 = 256 (non-zero), so QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is ON
  • 5496 & 5192 = 5192 (non-zero), so NOCOUNT is ON

This method allows us to programmatically determine which SET options are currently enabled in our SQL Server session.