How to List All Views in a PostgreSQL Database

In PostgreSQL, we can use the information_schema.views view to return all views in a database.

We can also use the \dv psql command to do the same thing.

Example of the information_schema.views View

Here’s an example of using the the information_schema.views view to return a list of views in the current database:

    table_schema AS schema,
    table_name AS view
    table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog')
    schema ASC, 
    view ASC;

Example result:

| schema |            view            |
| public | actor_info                 |
| public | customer_list              |
| public | film_list                  |
| public | nicer_but_slower_film_list |
| public | sales_by_film_category     |
| public | sales_by_store             |
| public | staff_list                 |

Here, we excluded information_schema and pg_catalog so that we only get public and user created views, and we don’t get bombarded with system views.

In this example, I was in the pagila sample database.

Example of the \dv Command

When using psql, we can alternatively use the \dv command:


Example result:

                    List of relations
| Schema |            Name            | Type |  Owner   |
| public | actor_info                 | view | postgres |
| public | customer_list              | view | postgres |
| public | film_list                  | view | postgres |
| public | nicer_but_slower_film_list | view | postgres |
| public | sales_by_film_category     | view | postgres |
| public | sales_by_store             | view | postgres |
| public | staff_list                 | view | postgres |
(7 rows)