How to Delete a Field in a Redis Hash

If you’ve got a Redis hash with a field that needs to be deleted, you can use the HDEL command.


Suppose we create the following hash:

HSET user uid "Homer" gender "Male" country "US" age 35

Let’s use HKEYS to get all the fields in our hash:

HKEYS user


1) "uid"
2) "gender"
3) "country"
4) "age"

We can see that there are four fields in the hash.

Let’s use the HDEL command to delete a field:

HDEL user gender


(integer) 1

The field was deleted.

Let’s check the key for its remaining fields:

HKEYS user


1) "uid"
2) "country"
3) "age"

Only three fields remain. The other one was deleted.

Delete Multiple Fields

We can use the HDEL command to delete multiple fields. To do this, just separate them with a space:

HDEL user country age


(integer) 2