Understanding the FORMAT_PICO_TIME() Function in MySQL

In MySQL, format_pico_time() is a Performance Schema function that converts a numeric Performance Schema latency or wait time in picoseconds into a human-readable format. It returns a string consisting of a value and a units indicator.


The syntax goes like this:


Where time_val is a numeric Performance Schema latency or wait time in picoseconds.

Resulting Unit Indicator

As mentioned, the format_pico_time() function returns a string consisting of a value and a units indicator.

The units indicator depends on the size of the time-value argument as shown in the following table.

Argument ValueResult UnitsResult Units Indicator
Up to 103 âˆ’ 1picosecondsps
Up to 106 âˆ’ 1nanosecondsns
Up to 109 âˆ’ 1microsecondsus
Up to 1012 âˆ’ 1millisecondsms
Up to 60×1012 âˆ’ 1secondss
Up to 3.6×1015 âˆ’ 1minutesmin
Up to 8.64×1016 âˆ’ 1hoursh
8.64×1016 and updaysd


Here’s an example to demonstrate:

SELECT format_pico_time(847002);


847.00 ns

Here’s another example that demonstrates how different values affect the result:

    format_pico_time(847) AS ps,
    format_pico_time(847002) AS ns,
    format_pico_time(84700212) AS us,
    format_pico_time(8470021234) AS ms,
    format_pico_time(8470021234567) AS s,
    format_pico_time(847002123456789) AS min,
    format_pico_time(8470021234567898) AS h,
    format_pico_time(847002123456789876) AS d;


| ps     | ns        | us       | ms      | s      | min       | h      | d      |
| 847 ps | 847.00 ns | 84.70 us | 8.47 ms | 8.47 s | 14.12 min | 2.35 h | 9.80 d |