Detect Whether a Value Contains at Least One Numerical Digit in SQLite

The following SQLite example returns all rows that contain at least one numerical digit.

Sample Data

Suppose we have a table called Products with the following data in its ProductName column:

SELECT ProductName 
FROM Products;


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Example Query

We can use the following query to return just those rows that contain numbers represented by numerical digits:

SELECT ProductName 
FROM Products
WHERE ProductName REGEXP '[0-9]+';


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Only those rows that contain numbers are returned. By “numbers”, I mean numerical digits. Numbers can also be represented by words or symbols, but this example only detects numerical digits.

In SQLite, the REGEXP operator is a special syntax for the REGEXP() user function.

Therefore, we can use the following code to get the same result:

SELECT ProductName 
FROM Products
WHERE REGEXP('[0-9]+', ProductName);


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