Return the Partition Number for Each Row When Querying a Partitioned Table in SQL Server (T-SQL)

If you’ve got a partitioned table in SQL Server, and you now want to run a query that includes the partition number on each row returned by the query, you can use the $PARTITION system function to do just that.

The $PARTITION function returns the partition number into which a set of partitioning column values would be mapped for any specified partition function.

You can therefore use it in your SELECT statement to return the partition that each row belongs to.

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How to Fix “Procedure expects parameter ‘@statement’ of type ‘ntext/nchar/nvarchar’.” Error in SQL Server

It’s quite easy to encounter error Msg 214, Level 16 when executing stored procedures such as sp_executesql or sp_describe_first_result_set.

Fortunately it’s easy to fix too!

The most common reason for getting this error is that you forgot to prefix your string with N.

Therefore, to fix this issue, try prefixing your string with N.

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Get the Underlying Columns of a View Based on its Result Set

One of the great things about database views, is that they allow you to run complex queries without needing to know the underlying database schema.

Yes, it’s true that you need to know the underlying schema when you create the view, but you only need to do that once. Once you’ve created it, you can query that view all day long without needing to remember all the table and column names, etc.

Views typically combine data from multiple tables into a single, virtual table, which makes it kind of like a “black box”. As long as it works as designed, you don’t need to concern yourself with the hidden details.

But what if you do want to check a view for its underlying tables and columns?

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