SQL Server FOR XML AUTO Examples

In SQL Server, the FOR XML clause allows us to return the results of a query as an XML document. Simply by placing the FOR XML clause at the end of the query will output the results in XML.

When we do this, we have the option of specifying RAW, AUTO, EXPLICIT, or PATH mode. These modes allow us to shape the resulting XML in different ways, and so the mode we choose will determine how the XML is generated.

Below are examples of using AUTO mode when generating XML from a SQL query.

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SQL Server FOR XML PATH Examples

In SQL Server, the FOR XML clause allows us to return the results of a query as an XML document. Simply by placing the FOR XML clause at the end of the query will output the results in XML.

When we do this, we have the option of specifying RAW, AUTO, EXPLICIT, or PATH mode. These modes allow us to shape the resulting XML in different ways, and so the mode we choose will determine how the XML is generated.

Below are examples of using PATH mode when generating XML from a SQL query.

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Fix Error Msg 8116 “Argument data type datetime2 is invalid for argument 1 of isdate function” in SQL Server

If you’re getting an error that reads Argument data type datetime2 is invalid for argument 1 of isdate function, it’s because you’re passing a datetime2 value to the ISDATE() function, but this function doesn’t work with datetime2 values.

To fix this issue, either pass a valid date type or use the work around below to provide similar functionality that works with datetime2 values.

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How TRY_PARSE() Works in SQL Server

In SQL Server, the TRY_PARSE() function returns the result of an expression, translated to the requested data type, or NULL if the conversion fails.

Basically, it works the same as the PARSE() function, except that it returns NULL instead of an error if the cast fails.

Both functions are intended for converting string values to either date/time or number types.

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How PARSE() Works in SQL Server

In SQL Server, the PARSE() function returns the result of an expression, translated to the requested data type.

Basically, it enables us to parse a string expression to the specified data type. It’s intended for converting string values to either date/time or number types.

The PARSE() function can be handy when attempting to convert with CAST() or CONVERT() fails. The PARSE() function is able to parse the expression, and this may result in certain values being converted that wouldn’t normally be able to be converted.

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