How to Create a Database in MySQL Workbench using the GUI

To create a database in the MySQL Workbench GUI:

  1. Click the “new schema” button on the MySQL Workbench toolbar
  2. Enter a schema name (database name) and its default collation and click Apply
  3. Review the SQL statement and click Apply

The database will now be created, and a message will display advising that the script was successful.

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How to Create a Table in MySQL Workbench using the GUI

To create a table in the MySQL Workbench GUI:

  1. Under the appropriate database in the left navigation pane, right-click Tables and select Create Table...
  2. Enter the table name, add all column names, their data type, constraints, default values, and any other details as required, then click Apply
  3. Review the SQL statement that will be run against the database and click Apply

The table will now be created, and a message will display advising that the script was successful.

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