MariaDB JSON_ARRAYAGG() Explained

In MariaDB, JSON_ARRAYAGG() is a built-in function that returns a JSON array containing an element for each value in a given set of JSON or SQL values.

The function acts on a column or an expression that evaluates to a single value. It enables you to aggregate a result set as a single JSON array. Each row of the result set ends up as a single element in the array.

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How to Add AM/PM to a Time or Datetime Value in MariaDB

MariaDB includes many functions that allow you to return time and datetime values in a variety of formats.

Two functions allow you to format the time portion using a 12 hour clock, with the AM/PM designator are DATE_FORMAT() and TIME_FORMAT().

There are many format specifiers that can be used with these functions, but only a couple that return the AM/PM designator.

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