List of DuckDB Format Specifiers for Date Formats

In DuckDB, we can use functions like strftime() and strptime() to format date or timestamp values. These functions accept a format string that specifies how the date or timestamp should be formatted.

The format string consists of one or more format specifiers. For example, '%d/%m/%Y' is a format string that consists of three format specifiers. The output from that format specifier might look something like 05/09/2050.

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DuckDB includes a reservoir_quantile() function that allows us to compute approximate quantiles efficiently. It provides the approximate quantile using reservoir sampling. This function can be handy when working with large datasets where exact quantile computation would be too slow or resource-intensive.

In this article, we will explore how the reservoir_quantile() function works, along with examples to demonstrate its usage.

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A Quick Look at DuckDB’s CURRENT_DATE Function

DuckDB is an in-process SQL OLAP database management system designed for analytical workloads. It is known for its speed, efficiency, and ease of use. One of the many functions DuckDB provides is current_date, which is useful for working with date-related data.

In this article, we’ll look at how the current_date function works, along with some straightforward examples.

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