How to Create an Index in SQLite

In database management systems (DBMSs) such as SQLite, indexes can be used to optimize the performance of queries, especially for larger datasets where querying can become time-consuming. An index allows the database to locate rows more quickly without scanning every row in a table.

This article explains how to create an index in SQLite, along with a simple example.

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Get the IDENTITY Values that were Generated by an INSERT Statement in SQL Server

The good thing about having IDENTITY columns in SQL Server is that they automatically generate a unique value for every row that’s inserted into a table. This saves us from having to insert our own unique values, and I’m not going to complain about that.

But obvious question you might ask; What if I need to know the value that was generated for each column I just inserted?

Fortunately, the solution may be easier than you think!

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Fix Error 137 “Must declare the scalar variable” in SQL Server

If you’re getting SQL Server error 137 that goes something like “Must declare the scalar variable…“, it’s probably because you’re referring to a variable that hasn’t been declared.

If the variable has been declared, it’s possible you’re referring to it incorrectly in the code.

When we use a variable in SQL Server, we must declare the variable first.

To fix this issue, declare the variable. Also be sure to use the right syntax when using it.

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Fixing Error 1066 When Using the HANDLER Statement in MySQL

If you’re getting MySQL error 1066 which reads something like “1066 (42000): Not unique table/alias: ‘products’” when using the HANDLER statement in MySQL, it could be that you’re trying to open a table that’s already open.

If this is the case, be sure to close the table before trying to open it again. Or simply continue working without opening the table again.

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