The Easiest Way to Add Multiple Spaces to a String in MySQL – SPACE()

Occasionally when working with MySQL databases, you might find yourself needing to add multiple space characters to a string.

Maybe you need to pad a string by adding leading or trailing spaces. Or maybe you need to replace a single space within the string with many spaces. Either way, MySQL has the SPACE() function to help you.

The SPACE() function is an easy way for you to return as many space characters as you need.

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3 Ways to Return a String of Multiple Spaces in SQL Server

When working with databases and the associated data, sometimes you need to insert a space when joining two strings together, or sometimes you need to replace a character with a space.

And then sometimes you need to insert multiple spaces. Here are 3 ways to return a string of multiple spaces in SQL Server using T-SQL.

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How to Remove Leading Whitespace in MySQL

MySQL has the LTRIM() function that enables you to remove leading whitespace from a string (space at the start of the string).

MySQL also has the TRIM() function that enables you to remove leading space, trailing space (at the end), space from both sides, or to remove other specified characters from either side (or both sides) of the string.

This article demonstrates how to remove leading space using each of these functions.

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How to Remove Trailing Whitespace in MySQL

MySQL has an RTRIM() function that enables you to remove trailing whitespace from a string (space at the end of the string).

MySQL also has the TRIM() function that enables you to remove trailing space, leading space (at the start), space from both sides, or to remove other specified characters from either side (or both sides) of the string.

This article demonstrates how to remove trailing space using each of these functions.

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How to Remove Leading and Trailing Characters in SQL Server

In SQL Server, the TRIM() function is commonly used to remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string. But did you know that you can also remove other characters from the start/end of a string? It doesn’t have to be whitespace.

TRIM() is a T-SQL function that specifically removes the space character char(32) or other specified characters from the start or end of a string.

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How to Remove Leading Whitespace in SQL Server

Leading whitespace is a common issue when working with data. A leading whitespace is a space at the start of a string. In most cases, we don’t want any leading whitespace, and we will want to remove it before the data goes any further (whether that means being stored in the database, displayed to the user, or whatever).

Fortunately, SQL Server provides us with the LTRIM() function that allows us to remove leading blanks from a given string.

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