JSON_OBJECTAGG() – Create a JSON Object from Query Results in MySQL

MySQL includes an aggregate function called JSON_OBJECTAGG(). This function enables you to create a JSON object containing key-value pairs. More specifically, it lets you create this JSON object based on the results of a query.

It accepts two arguments, the first of these being used as a key and the second as a value. These arguments can be column names or expressions.

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MIN() – Find the Minimum Value in a Column in MySQL

The MySQL MIN() function is an aggregate function that returns the minimum value from an expression.

Typically, the expression would be a range of values returned as separate rows in a column, and you can use this function to find the minimum value from the returned rows. If there are no matching rows, MIN() returns NULL.

For example, you can use this function to find out which city has the smallest population out of a list of cities.

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MAX() – Find the Maximum Value in a Column in MySQL

The MySQL MAX() function is an aggregate function that returns the maximum value from an expression.

Typically, the expression would be a range of values returned as separate rows in a column, and you can use this function to find the maximum value from the returned rows. If there are no matching rows, MAX() returns NULL.

For example, you can use this function to find out which city has the largest population out of a list of cities.

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