You can use the following code examples in PostgreSQL if you have a month number but you want the month name instead.
Category: DBMS
Database Management Systems
Convert Month Name to Month Number in PostgreSQL
In PostgreSQL, if you already have a month name, but you want to convert that name to the month number, you can do this with the EXTRACT()
Get the Month Name from a Date in PostgreSQL
If you’re familiar with PostgreSQL, you might know that you can use the EXTRACT()
and the DATE_PART()
functions to extract the month from a date. But those functions only allow you to extract the month number.
What if you need the month name?
You can get the month name from a date by using the TO_CHAR()
function. This function returns a string based on the timestamp and the template pattern you provide as arguments.
How to Use GOTO in SQL Server
In SQL Server, you can use GOTO
to alter the flow of execution. You can use it to “jump” to another part in the T-SQL code.
The way it works is, you create a label, then you can use GOTO
to jump to that label. Any code between GOTO
and the label are skipped, and processing continues at the label.
statements and labels can be used anywhere within a procedure, batch, or statement block. They can also be nested.
Difference Between sys.sql_modules, sys.system_sql_modules, & sys.all_sql_modules in SQL Server
In SQL Server the sys.sql_modules
, sys.system_sql_modules
, and sys.all_sql_modules
system catalog views return metadata about SQL language-defined modules in SQL Server.
However, there is a difference between them.
Difference Between Local and Global Temporary Tables in SQL Server
When you create a temporary table in SQL Server, you have the option of making it a local or global temporary table.
Here’s a quick outline of the main differences between local temporary tables and global temporary tables.
5 Ways to List Temporary Tables using T-SQL
In SQL Server, you can use any of the following five ways to return a list of temporary tables using Transact-SQL.
These return both local and global temporary tables.
Create a Temporary Table Based on Another Table in SQL Server
In SQL Server you can create a temporary table based on another table by using the SELECT... INTO
You can create the table with or without data. In other words, you can copy data from the original table if you wish, or you can create the table without any data.
Difference Between sys.parameters, sys.system_parameters, & sys.all_parameters in SQL Server
If you’re looking for a catalog view to return parameter information in SQL Server, you have a choice. In particular, you can get parameter information from sys.parameters
, sys.system_parameters
, and sys.all_parameters
However, you will probably only want to use one of these views, as there are differences between them.
Return All Disabled Constraints in SQL Server (T-SQL Example)
Here’s some T-SQL code you can use to get a list of all CHECK and foreign key constraints in a SQL Server database.