How Asin() Works in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, asin() is a mathematical function that returns the angle, in radians, whose sine is the specified expression.

In other words, it returns the arcsine of its argument.

The arcsine is typically used to find the measure of an angle when two sides of a right triangle are known.

The arcsine is the inverse of the sine function. To return the sine in Postgres, use sin() to specify the angle in radians, or sind() to specify it in degrees.

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How Asind() Works in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, asind() is a mathematical function that returns the angle, in degrees, whose sine is the specified expression.

In other words, it returns the arcsine of its argument.

The arcsine is typically used to find the measure of an angle when two sides of a right triangle are known.

The arcsine is the inverse of the sine function. To return the sine in Postgres, use sind() to specify the angle in degrees, or sin() to specify it in radians.

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