Create a Default Public Profile for Database Mail in SQL Server (T-SQL)

When you use the sp_send_dbmail stored procedure to send emails in SQL Server, you would typically include the @profile_name argument to specify which profile to use.

However, if you omit this argument, sp_send_dbmail will use the default private profile for the current user. If the user does not have a default private profile, sp_send_dbmail will use the default public profile for the msdb database.

If none of these are configured, you’ll get the following error:

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How to Change the Default Database Mail Profile for a User in SQL Server (T-SQL)

If you’ve already created an association between a principal and a Database Mail profile, but you now want to change whether the profile is the default profile for that user, you can do that with the sysmail_update_principalprofile_sp stored procedure.

When doing this, you need to provide the name or ID of both the user and the profile. This is because you need to specify exactly which profile/principal association you want to update.

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How to Change the Sequence Number of a Database Mail Account within a Profile in SQL Server (T-SQL)

If you’ve already added a Database Mail account to a profile, but you now want to change the sequence number, you can do that with the sysmail_update_profileaccount_sp stored procedure.

When doing this, you need to provide the name or ID of both the account and the profile. This is because you need to specify exactly which profile/account association you want to update.

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How SHOWPLAN_XML Works in SQL Server

In SQL Server, you can use the SET SHOWPLAN_XML statement to return detailed information about how a T-SQL statement will be executed, in the form of a well-defined XML document.

It’s similar to SHOWPLAN_ALL, except that SHOWPLAN_ALL returns its data set of rows that form a hierarchical tree.

You can set SHOWPLAN_XML to either ON or OFF.

When SHOWPLAN_XML is ON, all subsequent T-SQL statements are not executed. Instead SQL Server returns execution information for the statement (without executing it).

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SQL Server Error 4104: The multi-part identifier could not be bound.

If you get an error telling you that the “The multi-part identifier could not be bound.”, it usually means that you’re prefixing one or more columns with either a table that isn’t included in your query, or an alias that you haven’t actually assigned to a table.

Fortunately, the error message shows you which multi-part identifier is causing the problem.

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Find the Associations Between Database Mail Accounts and Database Principals in SQL Server (T-SQL)

In SQL Server, you can use the sysmail_help_principalprofile_sp stored procedure on the msdb database to retrieve a list of all associations between Database Mail accounts and database principals.

You can also return account info based on the principal name/ID or the profile name/ID.

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