How to Fix “ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed”

If you’re getting error 4939 while trying to switch a partition in SQL Server, it’s probably because you’re trying to switch to a partition that uses a different filegroup.

One of the requirements of switching partitions is that both the source table or partition, and the target table or partition, must be located in the same filegroup.

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Switch-Out a Partition in SQL Server (T-SQL)

In SQL Server, partition switching allows you to load large amounts of data in or out of a table very quickly. This saves you from having to run delete or insert statements, and can be very useful when working with large data sets.

You can use the ALTER TABLE statement to switch a partition in or out of a table.

To switch a partition out of a table, the code goes like this:


This switches partition x from Table1 to Table2 (where x is the partition number).

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