Fix “function array_sample(integer, integer) does not exist” in PostgreSQL

If you’re getting an error that reads “function array_sample(integer, integer) does not exist” when using the array_sample() function in PostgreSQL, it’s probably because your first argument is not an array. In particular, this specific error message implies that the first argument is an integer.

The first argument for this function must be an array.

To fix this error, be sure that your first argument to array_sample() is an array, not an integer.

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How to use VALUES as a Stand Alone SQL Statement in PostgreSQL

Many of us who work with SQL databases have used the VALUES keyword with the INSERT statement when inserting data into a database.

But perhaps a lesser known fact is that some RDBMSs allow us to use VALUES as a stand alone SQL statement. PostgreSQL is one such RDBMS.

When used as a stand alone statement, we can use a VALUES statement instead of a SELECT statement.

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Oracle Adds Support for IF EXISTS and IF NOT EXISTS Syntax Modifiers

Many RDBMSs implement IF EXISTS and IF NOT EXISTS syntax modifiers that can be used with DDL object creation, modification, and deletion, such as CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE statements, to name just a couple.

These syntax modifiers allow us to run such statements without getting an error in the event that the object already exists (if we’re trying to create it or modify it) or doesn’t exist (if we’re trying to drop it).

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Fix Error “function lag(numeric, numeric) does not exist” in PostgreSQL

If you’re getting an error in PostgreSQL that reads something like “function lag(numeric, numeric) does not exist“, it could be because your second argument is the wrong data type.

The second argument to the lag() function is optional, but if it’s provided, it must be an integer.

So to fix this issue, make sure the second argument is an integer. Alternatively, you can omit the second argument altogether if you’re happy to use the default value of 1.

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Fix Error “argument of ntile must be greater than zero” in PostgreSQL

If you’re getting an error that reads “ERROR: argument of ntile must be greater than zero” in PostgreSQL, it’s probably because you’re calling the ntile() function with a non-positive integer.

This error occurs when we pass a non-positive integer to the ntile() function.

To fix this issue, be sure to pass a positive integer to the function.

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