function is used to return the second component from a time value.
The return value for this function is in the range 0 to 59. Below are examples to demonstrate.
function is used to return the second component from a time value.
The return value for this function is in the range 0 to 59. Below are examples to demonstrate.
function is used to return the minute component from a time value.
The return value for this function is in the range 0 to 59. Below are examples to demonstrate.
function is used to return the hour component from a time value.
The return value for a time-of-day value will be between 0 and 23, however the range returned by this function could be much larger, due to the fact that a time data type isn’t limited to just a time of day (it can also be used to represent elapsed time or a time interval between two events). This means that the returned value could be greater than 24 hours or even a negative value.
In MySQL, you can use the GET_FORMAT()
function to return a format string for the provided arguments. This can be useful when you need to provide a format string to another function, such as DATE_FORMAT()
function enables you to return a date representation of a Unix timestamp.
More specifically, it returns the Unix timestamp as a value in ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’ or YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format, depending on whether the function is used in a string or numeric context.
In MySQL, you can use the UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
function to return a Unix timestamp. A Unix timestamp is the number of seconds that have elapsed since ‘1970-01-01 00:00:00’ UTC.
You can use this function to return a Unix timestamp based on the current date/time or another specified date/time.
In MySQL, you can use the TO_DAYS()
function to find out how many days have passed since day 0 for a particular date. For example, you can pass today’s date to this function, and it will return how many days it’s been since day 0.
This article contains examples to demonstrate.
function returns a date value based on the number of days provided as an argument.
This article contains examples to demonstrate.
In MySQL, you can use the EXTRACT()
function to extract parts from a date. For example, you can extract the year part, the month part, or the day part, etc. You can also extract parts from the time component, such as minutes, seconds, microseconds, etc.
This article contains examples to demonstrate.
When running queries in MySQL, you can use the DAYOFYEAR()
function to return the day of the year from a date.
This function accepts one argument, and it returns a value between 1 and 366, depending on which day of the year the day part of the argument represents.