function allows you to add a specified amount of time to a date or datetime value. You specify the unit to add, as well as how many of that unit to add. It accepts three arguments, which are used for the initial value, the amount to add, and the unit to use.
Author: Ian
TIMESTAMP() Examples – MySQL
function returns a datetime value based on the argument/s passed in. You can provide one argument or two. If you provide two, it adds the second one to the first and returns the result.
TIMEDIFF() vs SUBTIME() in MySQL: What’s the Difference?
You might have noticed that MySQL has a TIMEDIFF()
function and a SUBTIME()
function. And you may have noticed that in many cases, they both return the same result. So you may be wondering what the difference is between these two functions?
Let’s find out.
TIMEDIFF() Examples – MySQL
function returns the difference between two time or datetime values.
The way it works is, you provide the two values to compare, and TIMEDIFF()
subtracts the second value from the first, then returns the result as a time value.
TIME() Examples – MySQL
When working with MySQL, you can use the TIME()
function to extract the time part from a time or datetime value.
The way it works is, you pass the time/datetime expression in as an argument, and TIME()
will return the time part.
SUBTIME() Examples – MySQL
In MySQL, you can use the SUBTIME()
function to subtract a time value from a time or datetime expression.
The way it works is, you provide two arguments; the first is a time or datetime value, and the second is a time value. The SUBTIME()
function then subtracts the second argument from the first one and returns the result.
STR_TO_DATE() Examples – MySQL
function allows you to build a date value from the various date parts.
When using this function, you provide a string of the various date parts, and a second argument that specifies the format that the date is provided in.
SEC_TO_TIME() Examples – MySQL
When using MySQL, you can use the SEC_TO_TIME()
function to build a time value based on a given number of seconds. Basically, you provide the number of seconds as an argument, and it will convert that to a time value.
Here’s how it works.
QUARTER() Examples – MySQL
function returns the quarter of the year of a given date.
This function accepts one argument – the date to extract the quarter from.
Full List of Locales in MySQL
This post contains a full list of locales supported by MySQL 8.0 that can be used as a value for the lc_time_names
system variable. This locale controls the language used to display day and month names and abbreviations.
The following table lists these locale values, along with the language and region. These may be different to those supported by your operating system.
To set the locale, see How to Set the Locale for the Current Connection in MySQL.