MongoDB has an administration command called dropIndexes
that drops one or more indexes (except the index on the _id
field) from the specified collection.
Author: Ian
MongoDB dropIndexes()
In MongoDB, the dropIndexes()
method allows you to drop one or more indexes from a collection.
To drop a single index, pass the name of the index or its definition/specification document. If it’s a text index, you can only specify the index name.
To drop multiple indexes, pass the index names in an array.
To drop all indexes (except for the _id
index), don’t pass any arguments.
MongoDB dropIndex()
There are several ways to drop an index in MongoDB, one of which is to use the dropIndex()
It’s pretty simple to use – just pass the name of the index or its definition/specification document. If it’s a text index, you can only specify the index name.
Continue readingGet a List of Indexes in MongoDB
In MongoDB, you can use the getIndexes()
method to get a list of indexes on a collection.
You can also loop through each collection in a database to return all indexes in the database.
Continue readingHow unhideIndex() Works in MongoDB
In MongoDB, the db.collection.unhideIndex()
method unhides a hidden index.
A hidden index is one that’s hidden from the query planner. When you unhide an index, it is no longer hidden from the query planner, and it’s immediately available for use.
Continue readingHow hideIndex() Works in MongoDB
MongoDB introduced the db.collection.hideIndex()
method in MongoDB 4.4.
This method hides an existing index from the query planner. This allows you to evaluate the potential impact of dropping an index without actually dropping the index.
If hiding it has a negative impact, you can use db.collection.unhideIndex()
to unhide the index. This saves you from having to drop the index, then recreate it.
3 Ways to Create an Index in MongoDB
In MongoDB, you can create an index on a collection using the createIndex()
method, the createIndexes()
method, or the createIndexes
administration command.
Create a Wildcard Index in MongoDB
There are several ways to create an index in MongoDB, and from MongoDB 4.2, we can create wildcard indexes.
A wildcard index can be thought of as a kind of filter that automatically matches any field, sub-document or array in a collection and then indexes those matches.
Continue readingHow to Set the featureCompatibilityVersion in MongoDB
In MongoDB, the setFeatureCompatibilityVersion
command enables or disables the features that persist data incompatible with earlier versions of MongoDB.
How to View your featureCompatibilityVersion in MongoDB
The example on this page demonstrates how to view the featureCompatibilityVersion
for a mongod