4 Ways to Check if a Table Exists Before Dropping it in SQL Server (T-SQL)

Dropping a table in SQL easy. You simply use DROP TABLE myTable where myTable is the name of the table you want to drop. You can use this method to drop a table in SQL Server via T-SQL script.

But you’ll get an error if the table doesn’t actually exist. That is, unless you check for the existence of the table first.

Below are four ways of using T-SQL to check whether the table exists before dropping it.

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How to Format the Month in Roman Numerals in Oracle

Oracle Database provides us with the ability to return the month from a date using roman numerals.

For example, if the month is August, its decimal value would be 08 and it’s roman numeral equivalent would be VIII.

The way to do this is to use the RM or rm format element in your format mask. That will format the month using roman numerals in uppercase or lowercase respectively.

Specifying the date format can be done in several places.

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