A Quick Look at SQLite’s ASINH() Function

The ASINH() function in SQLite calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of a given numeric value. The result is the value whose hyperbolic sine is the specified number.



Where X is the numeric value for which you want to calculate the inverse hyperbolic sine. This value can be any real number (positive, negative, or zero).

The result will be a real number representing the angle in hyperbolic space, in terms of radians.

Example 1

Here’s a quick example to demonstrate how it works:




Example 2

Suppose we have a table t1 with a column num containing various numeric values, and we want to find the inverse hyperbolic sine of each value.


INSERT INTO t1 (num) VALUES (0), (1), (-1), (2), (-2);

Now, we can use ASINH() to calculate the inverse hyperbolic sine for each value:

SELECT num, ASINH(num) AS inverse_hyperbolic_sine
FROM t1;


num   inverse_hyperbolic_sine
---- -----------------------
0.0 0.0
1.0 0.881373587019543
-1.0 -0.881373587019543
2.0 1.44363547517881
-2.0 -1.44363547517881

In this example:

  • When num is 0, the result is 0 because the inverse hyperbolic sine of 0 is 0.
  • For num values like 1 and 2, ASINH() returns the angle in hyperbolic space in radians.
  • Negative values, such as -1 and -2, yield corresponding negative results.

The ASINH() function is particularly useful in mathematical and engineering applications where hyperbolic functions are involved, such as in physics and computational fields.