If you’re trying to send mail with SQL Server but it’s not being delivered, try checking the sysmail_faileditems
Here’s an example of checking for failed mail. Note that it needs to be run on the msdb
SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_faileditems;
Result (using vertical output):
mailitem_id | 1 profile_id | 1 recipients | [email protected] copy_recipients | NULL blind_copy_recipients | NULL subject | SQL Server Agent Job: FAILED body | Your favorite SQL Server Agent job just failed body_format | TEXT importance | NORMAL sensitivity | NORMAL file_attachments | NULL attachment_encoding | MIME query | NULL execute_query_database | NULL attach_query_result_as_file | 0 query_result_header | 1 query_result_width | 256 query_result_separator | exclude_query_output | 0 append_query_error | 0 send_request_date | 2020-08-24 02:40:48.093 send_request_user | sa sent_account_id | NULL sent_status | failed sent_date | 2020-08-24 02:41:53.000 last_mod_date | 2020-08-24 02:41:53.290 last_mod_user | sa
I used vertical output here so that you don’t need to scroll sideways to see all columns.
In this case, I’m showing one failed email. I actually had two failed emails but I decided that it was more concise to show just one result.
In my case, I had used the wrong mail server in the code that sends the email, and the emails failed. As soon as I updated the code to use the correct mail server, all subsequent emails were sent successfully. However, this doesn’t change those that had already failed, and therefore, they remain in the sysmail_faileditems
You can query sysmail_unsentitems
to return a list of unsent emails (ones that are yet to be sent, not necessarily failed).
You can also query sysmail_sentitems
to get all sent emails.
You can also query sysmail_allitems
to get all emails (sent, unsent, failed, and retrying).