Return All Non-Computed Columns from a Table in SQL Server

In SQL Server, you can use the sys.columns system catalog view to return a list of non-computed columns from a table.

By “non-computed”, I simply mean columns that are not computed columns.


Here’s an example to demonstrate.

  name AS [Column],
  TYPE_NAME(user_type_id) AS [Data Type],
FROM sys.columns
WHERE OBJECT_NAME(object_id) = 'Products'
AND is_computed = 0;


| Column      | Data Type   | max_length   | is_computed   |
| ProductID   | int         | 4            | 0             |
| ProductName | varchar     | 255          | 0             |
| Quantity    | smallint    | 2            | 0             |
| Price       | money       | 8            | 0             |

The sys.columns view returns a lot of columns, so I’ve narrowed them down here to just a handful.

In this case, the table name is Products. If I didn’t filter by that, I’d get a very large list of columns from all tables (including system tables), views, table-valued functions, etc.

I included the is_computed column here just so that you could see that these columns have 0 in that column.

I happen to know that this table has a computed column called TotalValue. Here’s the query again, but this time returning all columns (including computed columns).

  name AS [Column],
  TYPE_NAME(user_type_id) AS [Data Type],
FROM sys.columns
WHERE OBJECT_NAME(object_id) = 'Products';


| Column      | Data Type   | max_length   | is_computed   |
| ProductID   | int         | 4            | 0             |
| ProductName | varchar     | 255          | 0             |
| Quantity    | smallint    | 2            | 0             |
| Price       | money       | 8            | 0             |
| TotalValue  | money       | 8            | 1             |