IDENTITY() vs IDENTITY() in SQL Server: What’s the Difference?

It might seem strange, but T-SQL has an IDENTITY() property and an IDENTITY() function, each of which serve a (similar, but) different purpose.

  • The IDENTITY() property creates an identity column in a table. An identity column contains an automatically incrementing identification number. This property is used with the CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements.
  • The IDENTITY() function however, is used only in a SELECT statement with an INTO table clause to insert an identity column into a new table.

There’s also the SQL-DMO Identity property that exposes the row identity property of a column, but I won’t cover that here. Microsoft advises that this property will be removed in a future version of SQL Server, and that you should avoid using it in new development work.

IDENTITY() Property

Here’s an example of using the IDENTITY() property.

    PetId int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, 
    PetName varchar(255)

This code creates a table with two columns. The first column (PetId) is an identity column (because I use the IDENTITY() property in its definition).

Now that I’ve created an identity column, I can insert pet names into the PetName column without needing to include an ID for each row.

INSERT INTO Pets (PetName)
VALUES ('Homer'), ('Felix'), ('Ruff');



| PetId   | PetName   |
| 1       | Homer     |
| 2       | Felix     |
| 3       | Ruff      |

In this case, the numbering starts at 1 and each row increments by 1. This is because I used IDENTITY(1,1) to specify that the seed value is 1 and that it is incremented by 1 on each new row.

IDENTITY() Function

As mentioned, the IDENTITY() function is used in a SELECT INTO statement. Here’s an example of using the IDENTITY() function.

  IDENTITY(int, 101, 10) AS pet_id,
  PetName AS pet_name
INTO BestFriends
FROM Pets;

SELECT * FROM BestFriends;


| pet_id   | pet_name   |
| 101      | Homer      |
| 111      | Felix      |
| 121      | Ruff       |

Here, I created a table called BestFriends and populated it from the Pets table.

In this case I started the count at 101 and incremented it by 10. Also note that the function requires the first argument to specify the data type of the column.