How to Use the ‘sp_server_info’ Stored Procedure in SQL Server

In SQL Server the sp_server_info system stored procedure returns a list of attribute names and matching values for SQL Server, the database gateway, or the underlying data source. It returns a subset of the information provided by SQLGetInfo in ODBC.

Basically, it allows you to see information about SQL Server.


The syntax goes like this:

sp_server_info [[@attribute_id = ] 'attribute_id']

The (optional) @attribute_id argument enables you to narrow the results to just one specific attribute.

Example 1 – Return All Attributes

In this example, I execute the stored procedure without passing any arguments.

EXEC sp_server_info;

It can also be run like this:


Here’s the result on my SQL Server 2019 instance:

| attribute_id   | attribute_name         | attribute_value                                                     |
| 1              | DBMS_NAME              | Microsoft SQL Server                                                |
| 2              | DBMS_VER               | Microsoft SQL Server 2019 - 15.0.1800.32                            |
| 10             | OWNER_TERM             | owner                                                               |
| 11             | TABLE_TERM             | table                                                               |
| 12             | MAX_OWNER_NAME_LENGTH  | 128                                                                 |
| 13             | TABLE_LENGTH           | 128                                                                 |
| 14             | MAX_QUAL_LENGTH        | 128                                                                 |
| 15             | COLUMN_LENGTH          | 128                                                                 |
| 16             | IDENTIFIER_CASE        | MIXED                                                               |
| 17             | TX_ISOLATION           | 2                                                                   |
| 18             | COLLATION_SEQ          | charset=iso_1 sort_order=nocase_iso charset_num=1 sort_order_num=52 |
| 19             | SAVEPOINT_SUPPORT      | Y                                                                   |
| 20             | MULTI_RESULT_SETS      | Y                                                                   |
| 22             | ACCESSIBLE_TABLES      | Y                                                                   |
| 100            | USERID_LENGTH          | 128                                                                 |
| 101            | QUALIFIER_TERM         | database                                                            |
| 102            | NAMED_TRANSACTIONS     | Y                                                                   |
| 103            | SPROC_AS_LANGUAGE      | Y                                                                   |
| 104            | ACCESSIBLE_SPROC       | Y                                                                   |
| 105            | MAX_INDEX_COLS         | 16                                                                  |
| 106            | RENAME_TABLE           | Y                                                                   |
| 107            | RENAME_COLUMN          | Y                                                                   |
| 108            | DROP_COLUMN            | Y                                                                   |
| 109            | INCREASE_COLUMN_LENGTH | Y                                                                   |
| 110            | DDL_IN_TRANSACTION     | Y                                                                   |
| 111            | DESCENDING_INDEXES     | Y                                                                   |
| 112            | SP_RENAME              | Y                                                                   |
| 113            | REMOTE_SPROC           | Y                                                                   |
| 500            | SYS_SPROC_VERSION      | 15.00.1800                                                          |

Example 2 – Specify an Attribute

If you’re only interested in one attribute, you can pass that attribute’s ID. Doing this results in just the row of that attribute being returned.

EXEC sp_server_info 500;

It can also be done like this:

sp_server_info 500;
sp_server_info @attribute_id = 500;
EXEC sp_server_info @attribute_id = 500;


| attribute_id   | attribute_name    | attribute_value   |
| 500            | SYS_SPROC_VERSION | 15.00.1800        |

In this example, I return attribute number 500, which specifies the version of the catalog stored procedures currently implemented.

Example 3 – Run sp_server_info on a Linked Server

In this example, I execute sp_server_info via a pass-through query on a linked server called Homer.

  'EXEC sp_server_info 500'


| attribute_id   | attribute_name    | attribute_value   |
| 500            | SYS_SPROC_VERSION | 14.00.3048        |

Example 4 – Specify Which Columns are Displayed

One side-benefit of OPENQUERY() is that you can reduce the columns returned by the stored procedure.


  'EXEC sp_server_info 500'


| attribute_name    | attribute_value   |
| SYS_SPROC_VERSION | 14.00.3048        |