The following table outlines the inbuilt mathematical functions available in SQLite.
Function | Description |
acos(X) | Returns the arccosine of X . The result is in radians. |
acosh(X) | Return the hyperbolic arccosine of X . |
asin(X) | Returns the arcsine of X . The result is in radians. |
asinh(X) | Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of X . |
atan(X) | Returns the arctangent of X . The result is in radians. |
atan2(Y,X) | Returns the arctangent of Y /X . The result is in radians. |
atanh(X) | Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of X . |
ceil(X) | Returns the first representable integer value greater than or equal to X . |
cos(X) | Returns the cosine of X . X is in radians. |
cosh(X) | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of X . |
degrees(X) | Converts value X from radians into degrees. |
exp(X) | Computes e (Euler’s number) raised to the power X . |
floor(X) | Returns the first representable integer value less than or equal to X . |
ln(X) | Returns the natural logarithm of X . |
log(X) | Returns the base-10 logarithm for X . |
log(B,X) | Returns the base-B logarithm of X . |
log2(X) | Returns the logarithm base-2 for the number X . |
mod(X,Y) | Returns the remainder after dividing X by Y . |
pi() | Returns π (pi). More specifically, returns an approximation of π . |
pow(X,Y) | Computes X raised to the power Y . |
radians(X) | Converts X from degrees into radians. |
sin(X) | Returns the sine of X . X is in radians. |
sinh(X) | Returns the hyperbolic sine of X . |
sqrt(X) | Returns the square root of X . |
tan(X) | Returns the tangent of X . X is in radians. |
tanh(X) | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of X . |
trunc(X) | Returns the integer part of X , rounding toward zero. Basically, it cuts off the decimal part. |