The Difference Between INNER and LEFT JOINs in SQL

SQL joins are fundamental operations in relational databases, allowing us to combine data from multiple tables. Two of the most commonly used join types are INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN. Understanding the difference between these joins is crucial if you intend to use joins in your queries.

In this article, we’ll look at the difference between the INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN using a simple example.

Key Differences

The INNER JOIN and the LEFT JOIN are designed to do two different things. Here’s the main difference:

  • INNER JOIN only returns matched rows, while LEFT JOIN returns all rows from the left table and matched rows from the right table.
  • LEFT JOIN will return NULL values for unmatched rows from the right table, while INNER JOIN excludes these rows entirely.

It’s worth noting that there’s also a RIGHT JOIN, which is very similar to the LEFT JOIN, except that it works in reverse – it returns all rows from the right table and matched rows from the left. And a RIGHT JOIN will return NULL values for unmatched rows from the left table.

Sample Database

First, let’s set up our sample database:

-- Create artists table
CREATE TABLE artists (
    artist_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    artist_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL

-- Create albums table
    album_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    album_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    artist_id INT,
    release_year INT,
    FOREIGN KEY (artist_id) REFERENCES artists(artist_id)

-- Insert sample data for NZ artists
INSERT INTO artists (artist_id, artist_name) VALUES
(1, 'Lorde'),
(2, 'Split Enz'),
(3, 'Crowded House'),
(4, 'Fat Freddy''s Drop'),
(5, 'Brooke Fraser'),
(6, 'The Naked and Famous'),
(7, 'Kimbra');

-- Insert sample data for albums
INSERT INTO albums (album_id, album_name, artist_id, release_year) VALUES
(1, 'Pure Heroine', 1, 2013),
(2, 'Melodrama', 1, 2017),
(3, 'True Colours', 2, 1980),
(4, 'Woodface', 3, 1991),
(5, 'Based on a True Story', 4, 2005),
(6, 'What to Do with Daylight', 5, 2003),
(7, 'Passive Me, Aggressive You', 6, 2010),
(8, 'Solar Power', 1, 2021);

Now that we have our sample data, let’s explore the differences between the INNER JOIN and the LEFT JOIN.


An INNER JOIN returns only the rows that have matching values in both tables. It’s used when we want to retrieve data that exists in both tables.

Here’s an example that lists all artists and their albums:

    artists a
    albums al ON a.artist_id = al.artist_id
    a.artist_name, al.release_year;


artist_name           album_name                  release_year
-------------------- -------------------------- ------------
Brooke Fraser What to Do with Daylight 2003
Crowded House Woodface 1991
Fat Freddy's Drop Based on a True Story 2005
Lorde Pure Heroine 2013
Lorde Melodrama 2017
Lorde Solar Power 2021
Split Enz True Colours 1980
The Naked and Famous Passive Me, Aggressive You 2010

Notice that all artists in the results have at least one album. But there is actually one artist in our database – Kimbra – that doesn’t have any albums. Kimbra isn’t listed in these results. And that’s because we used an INNER JOIN instead of a LEFT JOIN.


A LEFT JOIN returns all rows from the left table and the matched rows from the right table. If there’s no match, NULL values are returned for the right table’s columns.

This time, let’s list all artists and their albums, including artists with no albums:

    artists a
    albums al ON a.artist_id = al.artist_id
    a.artist_name, al.release_year;


artist_name           album_name                  release_year
-------------------- -------------------------- ------------
Brooke Fraser What to Do with Daylight 2003
Crowded House Woodface 1991
Fat Freddy's Drop Based on a True Story 2005
Kimbra null null
Lorde Pure Heroine 2013
Lorde Melodrama 2017
Lorde Solar Power 2021
Split Enz True Colours 1980
The Naked and Famous Passive Me, Aggressive You 2010

This time Kimbra is listed, along with null in both the album_name and release_year columns.

In conclusion, choosing between INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN depends on your specific data requirements. Use INNER JOIN when you only need data that exists in both tables, and LEFT JOIN when you want to include all records from the left table, regardless of matches in the right table.

More Joins

See my SQL Joins Tutorial for a rundown on the different join types, along with examples.