How to Identify All Temporal Tables in Your SQL Server Database

Temporal tables can be a powerful way to track historical data changes over time in our SQL Server databases. When we’re working with a database that uses temporal tables, we may need to identify all such tables quickly. Or we may simply want to check to see if it has any temporal tables.

Either way, the following SQL queries can be used to return a list of all temporal tables in the database.

Simple Query

Here’s a simple query that lists the names of all current tables and their respective history table in the database:

SELECT AS TemporalTableName, AS HistoryTableName
FROM sys.tables t
INNER JOIN sys.tables th ON t.history_table_id = th.object_id
WHERE t.temporal_type = 2

Example result:

TemporalTableName  HistoryTableName                   
----------------- -----------------------------------
EmployeeRecords MSSQL_TemporalHistoryFor_1026102696
OrderHistory MSSQL_TemporalHistoryFor_978102525
ProductInventory ProductInventoryHistory

A More Detailed Query

Here’s a query that provides more information about each temporary table returned:

SELECT AS SchemaName, AS TemporalTableName, AS HistoryTableName,
    t.create_date AS TableCreationDate,
    t.modify_date AS TableLastModifiedDate,
    p.rows AS ApproximateRowCount,
        WHEN t.temporal_type = 2 THEN 'System-versioned'
        ELSE 'Not temporal'
    END AS TemporalType,
    OBJECT_NAME(t.history_table_id) AS HistoryTableName,
    t.is_memory_optimized AS IsMemoryOptimized,
    t.durability_desc AS Durability, AS ClusteredIndexName,
    i.type_desc AS ClusteredIndexType
FROM sys.tables t
LEFT JOIN sys.tables th ON t.history_table_id = th.object_id
LEFT JOIN sys.schemas s ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id
LEFT JOIN sys.indexes i ON t.object_id = i.object_id AND i.type IN (1, 5) -- Clustered and Clustered Columnstore indexes
LEFT JOIN sys.partitions p ON t.object_id = p.object_id AND i.index_id = p.index_id
WHERE t.temporal_type = 2

Example result:

SchemaName  TemporalTableName  HistoryTableName                                                         TableCreationDate         TableLastModifiedDate     ApproximateRowCount  TemporalType      IsMemoryOptimized  Durability       ClusteredIndexName              ClusteredIndexType
---------- ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------- ---------------- ----------------- --------------- ------------------------------ ------------------
dbo EmployeeRecords MSSQL_TemporalHistoryFor_1026102696,MSSQL_TemporalHistoryFor_1026102696 2024-07-27T12:20:47.226Z 2024-07-27T12:22:24.960Z 15 System-versioned false SCHEMA_AND_DATA PK__Employee__7AD04FF11E6776B1 CLUSTERED
dbo OrderHistory MSSQL_TemporalHistoryFor_978102525,MSSQL_TemporalHistoryFor_978102525 2024-07-27T12:20:15.600Z 2024-07-27T12:20:15.600Z 12 System-versioned false SCHEMA_AND_DATA PK__OrderHis__C3905BAFF9EFBBA0 CLUSTERED
dbo ProductInventory ProductInventoryHistory,ProductInventoryHistory 2024-07-27T03:56:24.156Z 2024-07-27T04:43:53.886Z 3 System-versioned false SCHEMA_AND_DATA PK__ProductI__B40CC6ED09B403B1 CLUSTERED

3 row(s) returned

This query returns the following columns:

  1. SchemaName: The schema of the temporal table
  2. TemporalTableName: The name of the temporal table
  3. HistoryTableName: The name of the associated history table
  4. TableCreationDate: When the table was created
  5. TableLastModifiedDate: When the table was last modified
  6. ApproximateRowCount: An estimate of the number of rows in the table
  7. TemporalType: Confirms that the table is system-versioned
  8. IsMemoryOptimized: Whether the table is memory-optimized
  9. Durability: The durability setting of the table
  10. ClusteredIndexName: The name of the clustered index on the table
  11. ClusteredIndexType: The type of the clustered index

The above scripts should work on SQL Server 2016 and later (temporal tables were introduced in SQL Server 2016).