How REGEXP_MATCH() Works in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, the regexp_match() function returns a text array containing substrings that match a given POSIX regular expression in a given string. Only the first match is returned (to return all matches, use regexp_matches() instead).

We pass the string as the first argument and the pattern as the second argument. We can also provide a flag as an optional third argument, which determines how the function behaves.


Here’s a basic example to demonstrate:

SELECT regexp_match('Thailand', 'land');



In this case there was a match and so the substring was returned. As mentioned, the result is returned in a text array.

Only the first match is returned:

SELECT regexp_match('Thailand Iceland', 'land');



No Match

When there’s no match, null is returned:

SELECT regexp_match('Thailand', 'Siam');



Multiple Matching Substrings

When there are multiple matching substrings, each substring is returned as a separate array element:

SELECT regexp_match('Thailand', '(Tha)(ila)(nd)');



More Examples

Here are some more examples:

    regexp_match('This, that, and the other', '(that)(.)') AS "(that)(.)",
    regexp_match('This, that, and the other', '(that)((.)*)(other)') AS "(that)((.)*)(other)",
    regexp_match('This, that, and the other', '\A(that)') AS "\A(that)",
    regexp_match('This, that, and the other', '\A(This)') AS "\A(This)",
    regexp_match('This, that, and the other', '\A(This)((.)*)(other)') AS "\A(This)((.)*)(other)";

Result (using vertical output):

(that)(.)             | {that,","}
(that)((.)*)(other) | {that,", and the "," ",other}
\A(that) | null
\A(This) | {This}
\A(This)((.)*)(other) | {This,", that, and the "," ",other}

Add a Flag

We can also add a flag to change the behaviour of the function. For example, we can specify that the search is case-insensitive by including the i flag:

    regexp_match('Thailand', 'Land') AS "Case Sensitive",
    regexp_match('Thailand', 'Land', 'i') AS "Case Insensitive";


 Case Sensitive | Case Insensitive 
null | {land}

The i flag is just one of many flags we can use. The following table contains the flags we can use here:

bRest of RE is a BRE
cCase-sensitive matching (overrides operator type)
eRest of RE is an ERE
iCase-insensitive matching (overrides operator type)
mHistorical synonym for n
nNewline-sensitive matching
pPartial newline-sensitive matching
qRest of RE is a literal (“quoted”) string, all ordinary characters
sNon-newline-sensitive matching (default)
tTight syntax (default)
wInverse partial newline-sensitive matching
xExpanded syntax


More About POSIX Regular Expressions in PostgreSQL

See the PostgreSQL documentation for an overview of how POSIX regular expressions work and the various options available when using the regex_match() function.