Return All CHECK Constraints in a SQL Server Database (T-SQL)

In SQL Server, we can query the sys.check_constraints system catalog view to return a list of CHECK constraints in the current database.


    SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS SchemaName,
    OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id) AS TableName,
    COL_NAME(parent_object_id, parent_column_id) AS ColumnName,
    name AS ConstraintName,
    definition AS ConstraintDefinition
FROM sys.check_constraints;

Example result:

SchemaName  TableName     ColumnName            ConstraintName                                                         ConstraintDefinition                                                                                                                                                               
----------  ------------  --------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales       Invoices      ReturnedDeliveryData  CK_Sales_Invoices_ReturnedDeliveryData_Must_Be_Valid_JSON              ([ReturnedDeliveryData] IS NULL OR isjson([ReturnedDeliveryData])<>(0))                                                                                                            
Sales       SpecialDeals  null                  CK_Sales_SpecialDeals_Exactly_One_NOT_NULL_Pricing_Option_Is_Required  (((case when [DiscountAmount] IS NULL then (0) else (1) end+case when [DiscountPercentage] IS NULL then (0) else (1) end)+case when [UnitPrice] IS NULL then (0) else (1) end)=(1))
Sales       SpecialDeals  null                  CK_Sales_SpecialDeals_Unit_Price_Deal_Requires_Special_StockItem       ([StockItemID] IS NOT NULL AND [UnitPrice] IS NOT NULL OR [UnitPrice] IS NULL)  

I ran that against the WorldWideImporters sample database.

The view returns the IDs of each constraint’s schema, parent table, and parent column. I used SCHEMA_NAME() to get the schema name from its ID, OBJECT_NAME() to get the table name from its ID, and COL_NAME() to get the column name from its ID (the column ID/name only applies to column-level constraints).