Review your Session Settings with SESSIONPROPERTY() in SQL Server

In SQL Server, you can use the SESSIONPROPERTY() function to return the SET options settings of a session.

These are things such as your ANSI_NULLS setting, ANSI_PADDING, QUOTED_IDENTIFIER, etc.

To do this, you simply pass the desired setting name to the function as a string, while selecting the function.


Here’s an example to demonstrate. In this example, I check my ANSI_NULLS setting.




My session had ANSI_NULLS set to ON when I ran that, and so the result was 1.

If I change my ANSI_NULLS setting to OFF, I get a different result.




The zero means OFF.


The SESSIONPROPERTY() function accepts the following arguments.

ANSI_NULLSSpecifies whether the ISO behaviour of equals (=) and not equal to (<>) against null values is applied.
ANSI_PADDINGControls the way the column stores values shorter than the defined size of the column, and the way the column stores values that have trailing blanks in character and binary data.
ANSI_WARNINGSSpecifies whether the ISO standard behaviour of raising error messages or warnings for certain conditions, including divide-by-zero and arithmetic overflow, is applied.
ARITHABORTDetermines whether a query is ended when an overflow or a divide-by-zero error occurs during query execution.
CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_ NULLControls whether concatenation results are treated as null or empty string values.
NUMERIC_ROUNDABORTSpecifies whether error messages and warnings are generated when rounding in an expression causes a loss of precision.
QUOTED_IDENTIFIERSpecifies whether ISO rules about how to use quotation marks to delimit identifiers and literal strings are to be followed.

These all return either 1 or 0 (with 1 meaning ON, and 0 meaning OFF).

Any other value results in NULL being returned.